Monday, July 30, 2012


What can one say? Our Congressional District will have a new representative after the November general election. Until then nothing much will happen because of the dead lock in Congress. After the election our Representative, regardless which party the person belongs to, he or she will be a junior and expected to take the back bench. He or she will owe a large debt to their party which has to be paid off in loyalty to the party. In other words, the possibility of our representative initiating any real act on our part or for the benefit of anyone else is near zero.
The positive side to our problem is the junior might be more will to learn and hear our arguments for justice. The junior might also make their person available to us either at the office or at one of our NARFE meetings. It has been a long time since we actually saw our Representative.  Yes, we have seen office staff and managers, but not the Congressperson.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

National Regional III Vice President

NARFE National Regional III Vice President

Thanks a million for your chapter's (Ormond Beach 2247) support and vote for my re-election as the Region III Vice President.  I truly appreciate your very kind words and I will do all in my power to continue to deserve the trust you and your chapter have placed in me if re-elected.
Please convey my deep gratitude to the entire chapter.
Don Stewart, VP RIII

Bob Wehrli wrote:
NARFE National Regional III Vice President
The Attachment indicates that there is a challenger for position of the National
Regional III Vice President, a position held now by our own Donald Stewart from
Coral Gables Florida.
I'm not suggesting that we should vote for Don merely because he is from
Florida, but because he has served us well as Florida Federation President and as the National Regional III Vice President. He has an excellent record of communicating with the Chapters and answering specific questions and issues raises by specific chapters but applying to all NARFE chapters. While on the
National Board Don supported or raised issues regarding Membership, Retention, Electronic Communication, and E-Chapters.

Dorothy Willis, Ormond Beach Chapter 2247 gave you our proxy vote with full
trust that you would perform your duties at the Nation Convention for the best interests of NARFE. We did this willingly because you would be there with more up to date information than what we had then or now.

This point applies to Don as well. He has attended the National Board meetings and before the secretaries notes were written Don was informing the chapters of issues that were important and needed action. In short, he inspired leadership at the regional level.

Therefore the Ormond Beach Chapter fully supports Donald Stewart as the National Regional III Vice President, and instructs you to use our votes to support Don in the upcoming election.

Bob Wehrli

Attached Message
NARFE National Headquarters
NARFE Candidate Statement Mary Pierson Region3 RVP
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 11:59:16 -0400 (EDT)

Mary Pierson
Candidate for Region III Vice President

This is to announce that I am a candidate for Region III Vice President.

My federal career started in 1961 at Keesler AFB, MS and then in 1974 transferred to the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office at Stennis Space Center.  I wore several hats and one was Command Inspector, I have traveled to every continent except Australia.  I retired after 36 years of service to our country in December 1997.

My career with NARFE started in 1998, serving my Chapter as President.  Attending the 1999 Mississippi Federation Convention I was appointed as the Membership Chairman.  In 2000 I was elected 2nd Vice President of the Mississippi Federation, and in 2003 I was elected as the Federation President.  During the same time, I served NARFE National as the Region III Pre-Retirement Seminar Coordinator and assisted Director Ken Glass, when Ken retired, I was asked to accept the office of Director of Pre-Retirement Seminars.

I have attended numerous conventions, both National and Federations, not only in Mississippi, but other states as well to increase my overall knowledge and understanding NARFE’s goals and operation.  

As Region III Vice President I will work with Federations as liaison between them and National Headquarters.  I will work to grow membership and increase the member’s knowledge and personal activity in all legislation to protect the benefits of Federal Employees. I will also work with all Federations and Chapters to increase their visibility in their State and local city by joining with other organizations to sponsor various occasions that enable us to display the NARFE name and banners.  We are 91 years old and there are too many Federal Employees that do not know who we are or what we do for them.

I am married to my husband Donald and we have one daughter and two sons and 4 adult grandchildren.