On Thursday, October 7,2010, 9:30 a.m.to 2:30 p.m. the Ormond NARFE Chapter 2247 will participate in the Fifth Annual Community Health Expo sponsored by the Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church,105 Amsden Road, Ormond Beach, Fl. The focus of the Expo will be on Health and Wellness with Exhibits and Presentations. Flu shots will be available free with Medicare. Our Chapter will stress quality of life after civil service and also will recruit and counsel members and prospective members.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
We have to expects that co-payments in many FEHBP plans will jump sharply this year as insurance companies determine what the U&C (usual and customary) cost is, or should be, and then base co-payments according. Imagine you have a physical that costs $500, and the insurance company says the U&C is actually $400. Your normal co-payment would be $20. But now the company sets the U&C level at $400, for a service that costs $500, and the company requires that you pay 20 percent of the U&C(.20x$400=$80), which means your co-payment will be $80 on a $500 service. Your co-payment jumped from $20 to $80. They might even require you to pay a percentage of the$500, which might mean you would even pay more co-payment. The point is you have to look very close at co-payments and extra costs this year. That is especially true when it comes to medications.
The Office of Personnel Management has set the 2010 Federal Benefits Open Season to begin Monday, November 8th and run through Monday, December 13th. During Open Season, federal employees and retirees can enroll in or change their health, vision and dental plans.
Diane Thompson from BlueCross BlueShield of Florida will be our speaker for our November 15th meeting.
AARP members in Florida overwhelmingly support Amendments 5 and 6 to reform state’s voting districts. Three out of four AARP members polled support Amendments 5 and 6, according to a poll of 700 AARP members who said they were likely to vote in November. By approving Amendment 5, voters would require state lawmakers to draw state legislative districts that rely, whenever possible, on existing geographic boundaries and that keep communities in the same districts. Amendment 6 would set similar standards for Congressional districts. If approved, the amendments would take effect in time for Florida’s 2012 redistricting.
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
SEPT.20, 2010 at 11:30 A.M.
920 N. US 1 Ormond Beach
President, Bob Wehrli 441-9250
1st Vice President, Cece Dougherty 672-5827
2nd Vice President, Nicholas Calvano 676-4615
Secy., Mary Araya 386-437-1085
2nd Secy., Eleanor Sherman 673-0871
Treasurer, Linda Gardner 677-0303
Service/Membership, Eleanor Sherman 673-0871
Sergeant-at-Arms, Donald Gaby 239-7639
Sunshine Person, Judy Boring 677-1060.
PROGRAM: Marguerite Hiemenz, Program Chair
Barbara Herrin, Deputy Treasurer of Florida Hometown Democracy, will give a brief Presentation on Amendment 4 at our September 20th meeting. Gwen Azama-Edwards of the same citizen group will also be available to answer questions about controlling growth in the State as well as the Ormond area. These issues are concerns that we should all be aware of in order to vote wisely in November.
Amendment 4 establishes that before a local government may adopt a new comprehensive land use plan, or amend a comprehensive land use plan, the proposed plan or amendment shall be subject to vote of the electors of the local government by referendum, following preparation by the local planning agency, consideration by the governing body and public notice.
ACTION ALERT by Robert Wehrli
All federal retirees, both CSRS and FERS, should be concerned about the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Chaired by Bowles and Simpson. A majority of the members are not necessarily advocates for Federal Employees. In fact, they are just the opposite, plus they are not enlightened on our earned federal civilian retirement or on the details of our health plans. They look at our earned entitlements as the same as Social Security with the exception that we are a much smaller group and thus will be an easier target for cuts. Sadly for us , the Congressional Leadership has agreed to put the Commission’s recommendations on “FAST TRACK”. That means there will be no modifications, eliminations or changes to their recommendations’. We must reach members on the commission before their final report is due at the first of the year.
One important argument in our favor is that our Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF) is fully funded and actuarially sound. This is not true for Social Security. The CSRDF is solvent and will actually grow with time as opposed to Social Security. Further the size of the fund is not dependent on the general population. The size factor of the work force has been accounted for in the system, thus enabling CSRDF to be solvent in the future as well. The Commission must be made aware of these facts.
I urge all NARFE members with access to e-mail to send a MESSAGE to your Representative and two Senators by using the Legislative Action Center link: http://capwiz.com/narfe/issues/alert/?alertid=14982226
You may use the prepared message or write your own, but send a MESSAGE. We are asking for no more than what we earned by dedication and hard work.
The following are some of the results the NARFE NATIONAL Convention. Our new National Officers are:
President: Joe Beaudoin
VP: Paul Carew
Secretary: Elaine Hughes
Treasurer: Charlie Saylor
Region III VP: Don Stewart
We also have a new Dues structure for our National Organization:
$40 for one year;
$72 for two years;
$102 for three years;
Dues Withholding will be $34.00 per year.
These sums do not include Chapter dues.
For our Chapter that means our Chapter dues remain the same at $5.00, but National Dues are increased by $11.00 to $40.00. The Total for one year is $45.00 including your Chapter dues. Dues withholding will be $39.69 per year or $3.31 per month.
The Chapter wishes to thank Shirley Honey, President of NARFE Chapter 1137, for representing our Chapter at the National Convention. Shirley did a great work.
Address Change
If you have a changing address for any reason, please inform either John Lowe 672 -8517 or Bob Wehrli 441-9250. This will ensure continuous communication between you and the Chapter.
By Nicholas Calvano
Whenever I need a dentist, plumber, urologist, roofer or anything else, for that matter, I hate to pick one from the yellow pages. I prefer to call a friend and ask for recommendations because most people are happy to recommend someone who has done a good job at a reasonable price. Similarly, they are anxious to steer friends away from merchants whose work was shoddy or too expensive. Recommendations have worked well for me. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find someone who has had direct experience with a merchant in the area of your need.
That is why I want to set up a database of merchants for members of our NARFE chapter. To begin, I will need input from members. It will be simple enough: just send me the category name (dentist, electrician, etc.), of the merchant and your rating between 0 and 5 with 0 being “terrible, avoid at all cost” and 5 being “outstanding work at a good price.” You can also add brief comments such as, “Very good work but expensive” or anything else you care to include.
To make this work we will need a lot of input so don’t hold back. Once this is set up, you will not only help other members but also be able to use the database to guide you in selecting a merchant.
Roof repair - Triangle Roofing - 5/5: Responded quickly and told me they could fix the roof for $1100 or I could make a temporary fix by caulking myself in a few minutes.
Urologist - Dr. Dineen - 3/5; Technically good but always keeps patients waiting 40 minutes or more, even for the first appointment of the day.
Heater/Air condition repair - Ash-Lee-Air - 5/5: Quick response and made repair at a very reasonable cost. Estimate charge of $35 was applied toward repair which was less than $150.
Send your ratings and comments to me at fotonick@yahoo.com or phone me at 386-676-4615.
Here’s your chance to reward the good guys.
Michael Shiles, a vocalist and comedian, will provide
us with entertainment at our Christmas Party.
Mark your calendar now for December 8th.
People have two kinds of generosity. There are those that give their time and service and then there are those who donate money or material goods. Luckily we have an abundance of both kinds among our members. The sound system is one example of a member seeing a need and stepping up to solve the problem. We have numerous other examples of solutions that have been provided such as flags and items for the Senior Expo. We have examples of people providing services and in some cases transportation. We also have members who have donated money to a cause like the expense of storage or entertainment. In many cases the Chapter has existed on the donations and contributions made by individual members. We owe a great deal of thanks to those members who donate their time, money or both to the existence of the Chapter. The Board has referred to these members as BOOSTERS or the Booster Club.
The Treasurer keeps a record of actual funds contributed, but it is difficult to estimate the value of gifts, time and services. At the present the Booster account has $217.35.
At the next meeting the Board would like to entertain a motion that would “Establish the Booster Fund as a permanent account to be used for specific goals, but also to support the Chapter account if necessary.”
The Chapter account is losing about $130 very year. This means we should raise the Chapter dues. However, by allowing the Board to transfer funds between the Booster account and the Chapter account we may be able to postpone increasing the dues.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Whatever Congress does to Active Federal Employees Congress can easily do to the Retirees. At present the Active Federal Employees are under attack, but it could be us as well. These attacks were mentioned in my last Fed News and now this is an update. I am asking that you contact John Mica and express your views. A sample message has been included for your convenience. Contact Representative John Mica at: http://mica.house.gov/Contact/ContactForm.htm This is a sample message you might send to John Mica: #1.Please, support President Obama’s proposal in his budget for fiscal year 2011 that would provide federal civilian workers and military personnel a 1.4-percent pay raise next year. #2.Please, do not take a punitive action against the thousands of federal employees who are working alongside their uniformed colleagues in Iraq and Afghanistan by requiring them to forgo a salary increase to partially pay for the wars they are helping to win? #3.Please, do not attempt to support or attach an amendment to H.R. 5136 that would in effect put a pay freeze on Federal Employees. This would be considered an outright attack on the Civil Service System. Federal Employees are not the problem; they are part of the solution to the problem. (Ctrl + click) http://mica.house.gov/Contact/ContactForm.htm and follow the instructions. Or you may also call Mica’s Office at202-225-4035 or the Ormond Office at 676-7750. We must act or more degradation will follow.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Curse of the Hanging Chads and other Republican misadventures continues on in Florida in the administration of the Appliance Rebate program. It has the paw prints of their political philosophy writ large on its operating procedures. First there is the requirement, not overly advertised, that in order to participate in the program you have to be Computer Literate and have access to the On-Line function of a computer. This, in order to obtain a printout of the appropriate rebate application form as well as a priority number which marks your place in the electronic maze for a share of the available funding. The ordinary working stiff who may not be so fortunate and his people are left out. Several days prior to the start date of April 16 my wife and I went out to reconnoiter the possibilities of purchase of an energy efficient appliance under the terms of the program. At one of the appliance stores I questioned the sales person as what provision was made for those who do not have online access. She heaved a sigh and suggested that they might be able to try applying on the computers available in the Public Library. How thoughtful. Prior to setting out to buy on the start date of April 16 I brought up the appropriate Rebate program web site and noted that the program system would be down from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM to prepare for the onslaught of purchasers making application. Fair enough, but following the cited 11:00 AM start tune it took almost two hours more before the system cleared to operational status and it became possible to obtain printouts of the above cited forms. Then there is the, again unadvertised, mode of payment of 20% of the purchase price, as well as the $75.00 reward for giving up the replaced appliance for recycling. This will not come in the form of a check or a direct deposit to an applicant's checking account. It will come in a Gift Card issued by American Express with the rebate and recycling fee amounts imprinted therein. When credit cards or Gift Cards are used to purchase items the full purchase price returned to the vendor is always several percentage points short. This constitutes a service fee to the issuing entity. When you consider that thousands of Floridians will take advantage of the Appliance Rebate program this amounts to more than a tidy windfall for American Express. This last can be charged off to standard Republican concern for the well-being of large corporations. Cautionary note-Gift Card Issuers service fees are sometimes higher than standard credit cards. As a result some vendors are reluctant to accept them. Finally, the Rebate Application Form, when filled out is to be mailed to a Post Office in El Paso, Texas. I'm glad it is going to a Post Office Box-I wouldn't want it to get lost in those Texas Bushes.
Friday, March 19, 2010
9 -- that is the number of states and the District of Columbia where there is still no specific law that makes it illegal for insurers to reject applicants who are survivors of domestic violence by citing the history of domestic violence as a pre-existing condition.
Unfortunately, the gender inequalities across our broken heath care system don't end there. In many states, insurance companies can still discriminate on the basis of gender -- charging women higher premiums than men simply because of their gender or denying coverage because of so-called "pre-existing conditions" like being pregnant, experiencing a prior pregnancy complication, or having undergone a C-section. And health plans in the individual market often do not cover basic maternity care.
President Obama's proposal for health insurance reform would end the days of discrimination based on gender. Insurance companies would be banned from denying coverage because of a pre-existing condition and would have to cover preventative care like mammograms.
For America's women and families, the time is now for health insurance reform.
We just can't wait any longer for health insurance reform. Help spread the word by sharing this message with your family, friends and online networks.
Nancy-Ann DeParle
Director, White House Office of Health Reform
Saturday, March 13, 2010
GPO/WEP Summit
On March 9th and 10th, NARFE staff participated in and led a session of a legislative “summit” on the unfair and arbitrary Social Security Government Pension Offset (GPO) and so called Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). Many of the participants representing state teacher retirement organizations traveled to Washington for the summit. On March 10th NARFE Legislative Department staff, led the session to update state-based participants on NARFE’s efforts and those of the Coalition to Assure Retirement Equity (CARE). Founded by NARFE in 1991, CARE is comprised of 40 national, state and local organizations solely for the purpose of addressing the Social Security offsets. The House sponsor of complete repeal legislation (H.R. 235), Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA), and a cosponsor, Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) addressed the summit. NARFE magazine (May issue) will include full coverage
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
809 Area Code Scam
Be cautious when responding to e-mails or phone calls from the 809, 284 or 876 area codes.
Long distance phone scam causes consumers to inadvertently incur high charges on their phone bills. Consumers usually receive a message telling them to call a phone number with an 809, 284 or 876 area code in order to collect a prize, find out information about a sick relative, etc. The caller assumes the number is a typical three-digit U.S. area code; however, the caller is actually connected to a phone number outside the United States, often in Canada or the Caribbean, and charged international call rates. Unfortunately, consumers don't find out that they have been charged higher international call rates until they receive their bill.
AT&T offers the following information and tips:
· Return calls to familiar numbers only. As a general rule, return calls from numbers that contain familiar or recognizable area codes. You may call your directory assistance or long distance operator to check the area code location.
· Carefully read your telephone bill. Make sure that you only receive charges from your provider of choice. Ensure you thoroughly understand charges listed on your phone bill, have chosen to do business with all of the listed providers billing for those charges and have authorized additional fees invoiced. If your local service provider has changed, you will receive a final bill from the former provider and a notice of service disconnection.
If you believe that you have been scammed:
· Contact the carrier with whom the charge originated, whose name and toll-free telephone number should be printed on the same bill page as the charge in question. Often, the problem can be resolved with a single phone call.
· If the carrier with whom the charge originated does not agree to resolve the problem, contact AT&T. AT&T will work with you and the carrier to help remove fraudulent charges from the phone bill.
You may file a complaint online with the Federal Communications Commission about this and/or related phone scams.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Bipartisan Budget Commission
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The House and the Senate have passed similar Health Care Bills. What remains is that the two Bills have to become one. The Republicans who have not put a comprehensive Bill before either Congress or the people now want to start all over. That isn’t prudent or logical, but it is effective, if you don’t want any Health Care Bill. So far the opposition tactic has been to complain that they have not been included or they concoct imaginary flaws in the present Bills. Neither approach helps solve our problems. In the mean time, the working families are losing their insurance coverage or are having their insurance rate go beyond their budget. Their children and our future are in jeopardy right now. We don’t have to wait for the future generations. The problems are real and immediate.
Will the Health Care Summit solve our problems? I seriously doubt that it will. My hope is that both the Democrats and Republicans will have to submit honest proposals that contain real substance; substance that can be examined and evaluated in respect to our problems. This is a call to action. The public wants Congress to act on behalf of the people. The average citizen is getting fed up.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Health Information Technology
Health Information Technology (Health IT)—the use of electronic health records to promote efficiency and improve care—holds great promise for improving the speed and effectiveness of our disability decision making process.
So, we’re expanding our Medical Evidence Gathering and Analysis through Health Information Technology (MEGAHIT) program to provide the benefits of Health IT to more of our claimants and more of our health care provider partners.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Why do you think health insurance companies are pouring money into congress and running misleading ads to stop Health Care Reform? They don’t want it, because it is good for the country and not necessarily good for their profit margin. Their actions clearly state where they are coming from and those same actions should emphasize why we need Health Care Reform. Let us look at what is happening around the country right now.
In California, Anthem Blue Cross announcing their rates would go up as high as 39 percent. Elsewhere, large insurers have requested premium increases of 56 percent in Michigan, 24 percent in Connecticut, 23 percent in Maine and 20 percent in Oregon. Do you think this won’t continue in the future without Health Care Reform?
Now, the insurance companies have the vote as well as the lobbyists. We lost one person one vote a long time ago, and now the Supreme Court has legalized the theft. All we can do is empty out our pockets and say thank you at the same time. We have been had.

Space Shuttle Launch as seen from the Palm Valley Bridge
Thought you would all enjoy!
Robin Sullivan
It was taken in Palm Valley, Florida(where I grew up) from the top of the 210 bridge crossing the Intracoastal Waterwaylooking south towards St. Augustine and Cape Canaveral
The photographer got up very early and took this picture of the last nighttime space shuttle launch and was kind enough to share with anyone who would appreciate the beauty of the space launch. He took the picture using a tripod and the elapsed time for the picture was several minutes in order to get the full fire-trail (this is why the stars are little lines instead of dots).
Monday, February 8, 2010 @ 4:14 am
Top of the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
115 Miles from the launch
34 Degrees outside!
Friday, February 19, 2010

Six Chapter members attended the District 3 & 4 meeting in Altamont Springs on February 18th. In the picture the members from left to right are Linda Gardner, Cece Dougherty, Bob Wehrli, Mary Araya, Susan O’Brien, and Trish Vevera. Cece was elected to the Resolutions Committee and Mary was elected to the Constitution and Bylaw Committee. Both will convene at the annual Federation Convention in May. In addition, Mary has been appointed to be on the Federation Convention Registration Committee. The later is a true accomplishment, since the last time the Chapter had such a responsibility was in the year 2000. We congratulate all the participating Chapter members for the great job they did at representing the Ormond Beach Chapter. They were active in the discussion groups and in the election process.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Christmas 2010
#1. The Christmas Party for 2010 will be held at the Oceanside Country Club on December 8, 2010. Mark your calendars and reserve that DATE. The menu, cost, and entertainment will be announced at a later date.
#2. We will use the October and November chapter funds from the 50/50 to contribute to the “Share” program. This is a simple yet effective way of giving to the needy at Christmas time.
#3. Mel Vevera has volunteered to offer the FEEA Fund Raiser and the NARFE Florida Convention raffle tickets to members attending Chapter meetings in the months prior to the May convention.
Friday, February 12, 2010
1. Just a reminder of the Chapter meeting next Monday, February 15th,at 11:30 a.m.at the River Grille Restaurant. We are fortunate to have two tax experts attend our meeting and be willing to answer questions. Audrey Beck who was with us last year will be joined by Peg Williams.
2. Cece has requested the management of the River Grille to provide seating for 55 persons and to allow more room between people if possible. There has been some concern about those members who suffer from Chemical Allergies. Some perfumes can add to this problem. I only request that everyone be aware and sensitive to the problem.
3. Thirty one members have signed up for café 101 on March 22 at 11:30. That response is fantastic! We can still accommodate more people, and this might be a good chance to invite that neighbor who should belong to NARFE.
4. Lee and Linda Gardner are still signing members up for due withholding. This is a great way to save money and at the same time eliminate thinking about paying your dues on time.
5. Don’t forget to read and COMMENT on the Chapter Blog.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Senior Association Coalition Meeting
Randell Brown, Regional Director of the Florida Dept. of Financial Services, mentioned that there were some concerns with annuity abuse and anyone with concerns should contact him at 323-0914.
There also was some discussion about transportation needs of seniors and the challenges of starting volunteer transportation programs; mainly insurance coverage. It was noted that Council on Aging and Votran are again visiting this topic and looking at some options for the future.
Lois Bollenback, Senior Transportation Planner with the Volusia County Metropolitan Planning Council (MPO) was introduced. She reported that the MPO was in the process of coordinating a long range plan for transportation in Volusia County and they were seeking public participation in this effort. It was noted that the three major challenges for our county in the future will be energy, water and transportation.
Those present were then separated into two groups to provide suggestions for transportation in the future for our county. Lois Bollenback asked that the minutes reflect a request to the group and anyone else they may know who would be interested, to please visit the MPO website to fill out a survey to be heard. That site is www.volusiacountympo.com; page down to link “Take the Long Range Planning Survey” to bring up the survey online.
Carol Thomas with the Council on Aging announced that the next meeting would be held Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 10 a.m. at the Council on Aging office in Daytona Beach. The topic would be Legislative Issues. It was also discussed that we address energy and transportation issues at a future meeting.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
#1. H.R. 3631
H.R. 3631 protects all Medicare Part B beneficiaries from a premium increase in 2010, including federal retirees who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits.
Urge our Senators to quickly pass H.R. 3631 to allow the Medicare agency to prepare for 2010.
The NARFE Legislative Action Center features an Action Alert which allows you to send NARFE’s message to both your Senators. (The direct path to this Urgent Action Alert is http://capwiz.com/narfe/issues/alert/?alertid=14260196)
H.R. 3631, the Medicare Premium Fairness Act, is a bill that would protect all beneficiaries, including federal annuitants, from an increase in their 2010 Medicare Part B premium increase. The bill was already approved by the House of Representatives on September 24 in an overwhelming vote of 406-18 (Roll no. 737). Since September 24, I have written four times on this subject in the chapter Blog. Go to the search engine on right hand side of the Blog just below the list of Officers and type in 3631plus Go. You will see all four articles.
H.R. 3631 deserves our support because it brings equity among Medicare Part B beneficiaries that the current law's "hold harmless" provisions does not. With no Social Security cost-of-living adjustment in 2010, the hold harmless in current law will only ensure that most beneficiaries will not pay an increase in their Part B premium increased.
On preliminary examination, the fiscal year 2011 budget, submitted by President Obama to Congress, contains no major changes, or scored savings, in programs impacting the income or health care security of federal retirees. NARFE staff will continue to review the large compilation of budget documents. (Available on the Government Printing Office web site: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/usbudget/fy11/index.html )
#3. Budget Cutting Commission and Fast Track Procedure:
Despite the short term increase in the debt limit, signed into law (P.L. 111-123) by President Obama on December 29, allowing the government to pay its bills until February, another increase in the debt limit will be needed. Separate legislation (H.R. 1557 and S. 2834) to create a commission which could force changes to entitlement and other program spending and tax policy through the use of a Congressional fast-track procedure could be added to the debt limit legislation. NARFE is concerned that such a commission could single out the earned federal civil service retirement and health benefits for reductions. To urge your two
#4. Café 101
Sign up with Cece,672-5827, if you haven’t already. Remember March 22 at noon we have a buffet date.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Chapter has an opportunity to have a group lunch (buffet) at Café 101, Daytona State College at 1200 W. International Speedway Blvd, on March22, 2010. The cost of the Buffet is $11.00. Those members who would enjoy an excellent lunch in a very nice atmosphere in the company of other Federal retirees are encouraged to reply to this message or call Cece at 672-5827. We hope to make the reservation for twenty people if we can confirm that number by the end of the February meeting.
Make your reservation now.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
State of the Union
When President Obama took office a year ago, we faced an array of historic challenges: an economy in freefall, job losses averaging almost 700,000 a month, a middle class under assault, two wars and badly frayed global alliances.
Faced with these unparalleled challenges, the President and his Cabinet got to work. The Administration took bold steps to rescue the country from a potential second Great Depression; to rebuild the economy for the long-term, so businesses can thrive, the middle class can grow and all our families can be more secure; and to restore America’s leadership in the world as we wrestle with the global challenges of the 21st Century.
Thank you,
Valerie Jarrett
Senior Advisor to the President
P.S. Tomorrow at 9 p.m. EST, remember to watch the President’s State of the Union address live at
Sunday, January 24, 2010
January 15, 2010
June Griffin has demonstrated her wiliness and skill in assisting her fellow human beings in a number of ways her entire life. We in the Ormond Chapter first met June Griffin in 1992 when she served as a counselor for the elderly at the Council On Aging (COA). June was part of one of the first NARFE Service Centers in our state. She assisted both NARFE members and the elderly in matters of insurance, Medicare, and living assistance.
While June was volunteering at the COA she was also a caregiver at home for two of her grown children. June had two children who needed physical and medical assistance. In addition to her volunteer work and care giving, June was a widow. These tasks did not stop June from becoming involved in our new NARFE Ormond Beach Chapter. First she was a caller, and later she became Treasurer for the Chapter. June has served as Treasurer for the past nine years. During this time her son‘s health improved; but her daughter still needed help, and June also became Guardian of her grandson. June has been a caregiver for over eighteen years and still found time to serve NARFE and her fellow retirees.
June Griffin’s list of accomplishment as Caregiver, Chapter Officer ,Caller, assistant on projects like the Senior Expo and COA all indicate that she is an outstand human being and deserves our recognition.
I am pleased to give June Griffin the Chapter Distinguished Service Award for the year 2009.
President of NARFE Ormond Beach Chapter 2247