MAY 23, 2011, 11:30 A.M.
920 N. US 1, Ormond Beach
President, Bob Wehrli 441-9250
1st Vice President, Cece Dougherty 672-5827
2nd Vice President, Nicholas Calvano 676-4615
Secy., Mary Araya 386-437-1085
2nd Secy., Eleanor Sherman 673-0871
Treasurer, Linda Gardner 677-0303
Service/Membership, Eleanor Sherman 673-0871
Sergeant-at-Arms, Donald Gaby 239-7639
Sunshine Person, Judy Boring 677-1060.
PROGRAM: Marguerite Hiemenz, Program Chair
Ms. Rebecca Becker, attorney at law, will be our speaker on May 16. She will discuss Elder Law which includes such things as Wills, Trusts, Health Care Planning, Probate, Guardianship and related subjects.
There should be something there of interest to everyone.
In an attempt to recognize the dedication, accomplishments, heroism, and sacrifice of our Government Employees at all levels of service to our citizens, I am beginning a new contest at the Chapter level. Submit your story of service or dedication in writing, e-mail, or phone before the September meeting and I will award you with a ten dollar ($10.00) meal coupon for the River Grille restaurant. The story may appear in one of our Newsletters, or be used at a NARFE meeting.
Let us get the word out that a Federal Employee whether he or she be in the military, Postal Service, IRS, a foreign service, health department, teacher
forest or parks department, customs, or any other Government service is mainly there to protect and serve. We do not make the laws. We merely see that the will of the people is carried out according to standards set by congress.
NARFE represents five million retired federal workers, retirees, spouses and their survivors.
LEGISLATION: by your editor
The good news is that the GOP plan to replace Medicare with vouchers has failed for the moment, because seniors made their wishes known in the town meetings. “Don’t touch what works.”
The bad news is that the, GOP House Speaker, Boehner said,” The GOP Medicare Remake remains on the table.” He continued to say, “Let me make this clear, when it comes to increasing the debt limit and the need to have reductions in spending nothing is off the table except raising taxes”.
That statement sounds like a threat to me. Plus, what happened to the promise,” we must all share in reducing the debt and pay our way?”
It would seem the many are expected to pay a larger proportion of their income so that a few wealthy and large corporations get a free ride. When it comes to taxes, the advocate of no tax increase always hides behind the small business person; but show me a small business person that has an adjusted gross income of more than $250,000. Now, you are in the class of a corporation not a small business.
The point is we no longer can expect a frontal attack. From this point on the attacks will be small bites and hidden language in unrelated bills. We must be even more alert and also depend on the Legislative staff members of all our groups like AARP and NARFE. Hopefully they will have the time and knowledge to recognize these attacks and alert us to action. As individuals we must write letters send e-mails and do what is necessary to make our wishes known. Our health care and economic existence is at stack here.
In the depression of the 1930’s and WW11 everyone was expected to pull their weight, not the few. We were a great Nation then and we could be a greater Nation now.
Old Business: Nominating Committee
Mary Ann Whitaker thanked the nominating committee, June Griffin, Marguerite Heimenz, Rose Lauer, Judy Boring, and Lee Sherman who assisted her in contacting and interviewing possible officers.
The following slate will be presented to the members for election on May 23rd.
· President ….Bob Wehrli
· 1st Vice President ….Cece Dougherty
· 2nd Vice President….Patricia (Trish) Vevera
· Recording Secretary….Mary Araya
· 2nd Secretary….Lee Sherman
· Treasurer….Linda Gardner
Pres. John Miseyko will install the Officers.
Presidents Message:
Few things validate the worth of the Ormond Beach chapter 2247 as much as our consistent growth from 31 members in 1992 to our present membership of 136 active members (with only three zip codes). The third zip code is the Ormond Beach Post Office. Mind you we are grateful for the Post Office, since on occasion we have the opportunity to entertain an out of town tourist and spread our message. Sometimes these guests even join our organization. Seriously, we have gained almost six members every year in spite of natural losses. Your attendance at meetings has been outstanding. Again it is a tribute to you as members. Attendance as high as 30 to 50% proves that our programs not only meet your expectations, but also meets our mission to safeguard and enhance all federal employees, who have earned their retirement benefits and health insurance by financially contributing into both as well as providing dedicated service. The summer program has been successfully due to your participation.
Communication between all chapter members has contributed to our success. Hopefully the involvement will even improve more in the future. We have several effective programs going for the chapter now, and with more volunteers we can expand to include those members who do not have computers.
We are closing a great term in June and I expect an even greater one for 2011/2012.
- Reserve December 8th for the 2011 Christmas Party at the Oceanside Country Club. The menu will be a choice of salmon, chicken Marsala, or vegetarian entrée with apple crisp and la mode for dessert. Kopy Kats will entertain.
2. Loraine Rumore will be closely following both the Washington Post and the Federal Time to garner news updates on federal benefits, the federal health care program, government deficit reduction plans and other issues affecting federal employees and retirees.
3. At the next meeting, a vote will be taken on participation in a bus trip to Yalaha, FL on July 18. Cost $59.00 includes lunch, a candy factory, and a winery visit. Plus a good time by all.
Address Change
If you have a change in your street or e-mail address, please inform either Linda Gardner 677-0303 or Bob Wehrli 441-9250.
CECE 5/2/11….R.W.
Visited Cece Monday, 5/2/11, with the permission of the family. Visits are still restricted and one must be fully gowned to enter the room.
When I arrived she was sitting up eating whole food and talking. Her mind is sharp and her memory is great. She has to have an amplifier to hear, but again this might improve. She needs therapy to walk. All and all I was very pleased to see so much improvement in a relatively short time.
What you can do now is send cards and notes to prove to her that we want her back as soon as possible. The notes are very important. She has no problem reading for short periods of time.
She asked about the convention and news about all of you. She was especially interested in the upcoming Postal conventions and wanted to be sure that we had everything we needed. As I said, her mind is sharp.
PRES. Joseph A. Beaudoin, NARFE National HQ
Saturday, May7,2011
The Senate is about to vote on a disastrous budget proposal that would slash federal pay and retirement by $375 billion over 10 years. We need to speak out now.
A few weeks ago, the House of Representatives passed a budget proposal that would cut 10 percent of the federal work force, reduce pay, and jeopardize benefits for those who have already retired. It’s an unfair attack that singles out the federal workers who protect our nation every day.
I just sent a letter to all senators telling them to vote “No” on the House budget proposal. Will you add your name to mine and send a letter today?
Rep. John Mica
770 W Granada Boulevard, Suite 315
Ormond Beach, FL 32174-5180
Phone: 386-676-7750 His DC address is below:
Rep. Mica's DC address below:
2187 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515-0907 The local address is better because it is quicker.
Sen. Marco Rubio
B40A Dirksen Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510
Sen. Bill Nelson
716 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
These are your earned benefits under attack!