Monday, September 28, 2009


Kent Ryan, Associate Vice president of the Daytona State College Foundation, will be our speaker at the October 19th. Chapter meeting at the River Grille. Kent will speak on the program Wisdom In Senior Education (W.I.S.E.). W.I.S.E. is a new program to promote and share the academic college resources with seniors and provide learning opportunities in an enjoyable format. This should be a very informative meeting and one the that has been requested by the members.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


In April of this year, the Chapter members arrived at the following consensus: the Christmas Party would be held at the Oceanside Country Club on December 3, 2009 with an arrival time of 11:30 a.m. The meal should begin about noon follow by the entertainment. The Menu will have two major choices, Mediterranean Tilapia and Sliced Marinated Sirloin. There will also be a Vegetarian selection available. Dessert will consist of Apple Crisp and Ice Cream. The cost will be $20.00 per person, and drinks can be purchased by obtaining tickets from Cece at the door.
Marguerite Heimenz has engaged the TALK OF THE TOWN as entertainment for the Christmas Party.

Alice Mauzy ( pictured above) will host the party.
Cece Dougherty will handle the tickets and Reservations beginning at the October meeting and concluding after the November meeting.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Minutes of Chapter Meeting - September 21, 2009

NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL

Minutes of Chapter Meeting - September 21, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. at our new location, the River Grille, Ormond Beach. Don Gaby led the pledge of allegiance to the flag and President Bob Wehrli said the prayer in the absence of chaplain Sue O’Brien. Minutes and treasurer’s report were accepted as read. Bob commented on two items from the minutes which have been resolved. Two members gave donations to the treasury which will cover the cost of publishing the chapter newsletter without necessity of a campaign to raise extra funds. The second item was to announce the receipt of a grant from the Florida Federation in the amount of $200. 00 to assist the chapter with expenses for erecting and manning a NARFE booth at the Senior Expo in November. The project has been expanded to include the recruitment of Postal Federal Employees.


Programs: Marguerite Heimenz announced the speaker for next month’s meeting who will talk on college courses available for seniors.

Legislation: John Lowe told the group that no COLA will be forthcoming this year. Persons on Social Security will receive an offset check for $150.00. NARFE officials are trying to get this booster check program extended to Federal retirees.

Membership: Lee Sherman introduced new member Katherine Seaman whose husband was a Federal Aviation Analyst during his career. Sandra Gatz, just retired from her position at the U.S.District Court in Jacksonville, was also introduced to the membership. Sandra said she read about our chapter in the Hometown News and came to join us. Both were warmly welcomed by the members.
Lee reported a total of 43 members on dues withholding at present. She also distributed pamphlets on Government Benefits and Be Prepared: Life’s Events.


Bob Wehrli introduced our new Public Relations Officer, Patricia (Trish) Vevera.

Bob then reviewed the proposal made by Mary Ann Whitaker to amend the chapter by-laws so that elections for the new slate officers may be held in April of each year with installation in May. This allows the new officers to have time to formulate goals and objectives for the chapter before the first meeting of members in September. These are the changes to be made:
Change 1: Article VIII - Voting and Elections

As it is at present:

Section 3: The Nominating Committee shall present an approved slate of officers at the November meeting for election and installation at the Annual Meeting in January. Nominations may be made from the floor.

As revised:
Section 3: The Nominating Committee shall present an approved slate of officers at the April meeting for election and installation at the Annual Meeting in May. Nominations may be made from the floor.

Change 2: Article VI - Committees
Section 2: The Standing Committees: We must include Recruitment, Retention and Internal Auditing per instructions from National in regard to by-laws.

Bob Wehrli then gave everyone present occasion to introduce themselves and name the branch of federal government in which they served. Thirty-seven members present shared their stories at this time.

Our speaker was Paramedic Mark O’Keefe, Community Information Officer from EVAC Ambulance of Volusia County. Before introducing his topic, Navigating the Medicare Maze, Mark gave a rundown of the scope of the service offered by EVAC: 72,000 ambulance calls per year, 200 a day over an area larger than the state of Rhode Island. His overview included information on staffing, 911 calls, GPS technology to enhance fast arrival/ quick response to the medical emergency (8 minutes 59 seconds arrival 91-96% of the time). Mark gave estimates of pre-hospital medical care costs of between $200 and $900. While Medicare used to pay for ambulance services, for the past five years reimbursement is according to a Medicare assessment of medical necessity. There is, however, a three-level appeals process available if Medicare’s first assessment is negative. EVAC assists with the paper work to Medicare and the appeal is usually ultimately resolved. Mark answered member questions about helicopter services, Fire Department response to 911 calls, IV bags for diabetics, sections of high incidence of accidents, street light timing an impediment to plotting safest ambulance routes, and more. Finally Mark advised all of us to have a Vial of Life personal information kit in a Tupperware container in the refrigerator with name, social security number, allergies, medications, person to notify and doctor’s name. A copy of advance directives should also be on hand. Bob Wehrli thanked Mark O’Keefe for his comprehensive talk.

Bob gave an overview of our participation in the Senior Expo. He requested volunteers to help man the booth for these dates: Wednesday/Thursday November 4/5; Thursday October 8; Tuesday October 13th. Give Bob a call if you are free to help.

The issue of single dues will be discussed at the next meeting.
Cece Dougherty won the 50/50 raffle.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.

Mary Araya, Secretary

Friday, September 25, 2009


H. R. 3631

On September 24, the House passed legislation, H.R. 3631, to protect all Medicare beneficiaries from an increase in their Part B premium in 2010. In 2010, it is almost certain there will be NO cost of living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries and federal civilian and military retirees. NARFE worked tirelessly behind the scenes on this legislation for the past three months.

This bill is about equity for all Medicare beneficiaries, because without it, federal, state and local government retirees who are not Social Security-eligible would have to pay the Part B rate hike in a no-COLA year, while Social Security beneficiaries would not.

Under current federal law, 72 percent of Medicare beneficiaries do not have to pay for the increase in Part B premiums in any year in which they receive no Social Security COLA. However, there are four groups of older Americans who are not protected by the ‘hold harmless’ provision, including over a million federal, state and local government retirees who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits. Absent a change in law, they would not only have to pay the higher Part B premiums without a COLA, but also absorb the costs of other Medicare beneficiaries currently ‘held harmless.

Congressman Mica voted for this Bill. We thank our NARFE legislative officers and Congressman Mica for their efforts in passing H.R.3631.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Concluding a four page document concerning affordable health coverage for Americans 50 years and older, Medicare part D, hospital admissions, dugs, and eligibilities for health care the AARP made this statement.
“Our health care system costs too much, wastes too much, makes too many mistakes and gives us back too little value for our money. That’s why AARP Florida , on behave of our 2,899,032 members, believes Congress must pass health care reform that provides all Americans with affordable health care choices.”

Sunday, September 20, 2009


On September 16, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) released a compromise health care reform bill which would require most Americans to enroll in health insurance, create insurance “exchanges” through which certain individuals and families could receive federal subsidies to substantially reduce the cost of purchasing that coverage and expand eligibility for Medicaid. The cost of the bill would be paid for by reducing the growth of Medicare’s payment rates for most services, levying an excise tax on insurance carriers with plans that charge relatively high premiums ($8,000 for singles and $21,000 for family plans) and through other provisions. The Congressional Budget Office said the bill is fully financed over the first ten years.


The Baucus legislation would not open the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) to non-federal civilians, nor would FEHBP participants be required to enroll in the insurance exchange system. However, any comprehensive plan that changes insurance law, provider financing, taxation policy and health infrastructure, will have some ramifications on how FEHBP operates in the larger health system. More analysis on the Baucus legislation will be provided later.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Matching Funds and Dedication

Fellow Chapter member I am pleased to announce that the Federation has favorable supported our Project of Out Reach by forwarding our reqest for additional funds to NARFE NATIONAL.
I will be asking many of you for your support of time and dedication to bring this project to the community in a way that we can be proud of the results. A few members only can not make this a success. We need the support of the entire Chapter.

To: Chuck Timanus
Director, Public Relations
NARFE Headquarters
606 N. Washington St
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914

From: Wallace Roepke
Fl Federation President
5997 Bonaventure Place
Sarasota, Fl 34243-4811

Subject: Matching Funds Request for Florida's Ormond, Beach Chapter 2247
Dear Chuck: Attached you will find three pages of a request from the Florida Ormond Beach Chapter 2247 for matching funds for $891, the amount they anticipate will be spent on this project. The Fl Federation Chapter Assistance Program has already approved $200 for this project leaving a balance of $691. Participation in the Senior Expo's is an excellent way to let both active and retired Federal employees and annuitants know about NARFE. This project has been carefully reviewed and appears to be viable.

I have approved the request as presented.
Respectfully, Wallace Roepke, Fl Federation President

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Board Meet September 14, 2009

We have received a Grant from the NARFE Florida Federation for $200. This money is to be used for recruiting new members and PR. June was charged with depositing the check and keeping a running account of expenses written against the Grant.

John will hold off on the contract for Senior Expo. John should also order new material and the NARFE PANNEL from NARFE. We have the flag, but we should order the NARFE banner. We might have a drawing for a restaurant gift card. Bob asked us all to come up with ideas for giveaways.

The list Charlie Shannon sent to Bob shows people in our District 3 who have not signed up for dues withholding. The people who need to be contacted are 1 members who come to the meetings, 2 people getting email but don’t come to meetings, 3 people whose yearly dues is expiring soon (Lee will call them) , 4 all others on the list. Each of the board members got a copy of the list. We decided we did not want Charlie to take care of the notifying our members, because the different groups required different approaches. Between now and Christmas we will contact the people whose yearly dues is expiring and suggest they continue their membership with the dues withholding program. The others will wait until after the increase in dues is all settled.

Senior Association and Coalition on Aging will be meeting October 6th at 10 AM at the United Way building: 3747 International Speedway Blvd. , Daytona Beach.

Ormond is having a Health Fair and we discussed the possibility of it being a good place for us to possibly get new members. It will be at the Presbyterian Church on Amsden Rd. Ormond Beach October 13th . It might be good practice for bigger events.

We thought Alice should Chair the Christmas party at Oceanside, and invite Nancy Lohman as our guest. Due to the problems in the past we need in writing from Oceanside exactly what we are getting for our luncheon. It will cost $21.00 and there will be a choice of two meals. Cece will ask Marguerite to contact the musicians to be sure we have a firm date. We will also ask to have the musicians play some musical games and have a sing-a-long.

Cece will order 6 cobblers for future events and we will see about having them embroidered or implanted with our NARFE logo.

Lee is in touch with Robin from the Post Office. We want to invite the Postmaster or Union Leader to come talk to us. We will provide luncheon.

Respectfully submitted by,

Cece Dougherty V.P.


When the road is slightly wet or is about to freeze or the ice is about to melt your tires don’t complete make contact with the road. You have no traction or grip. The result is your wheels spin and spin. If at the same time you have your CRUISE CONTROL ON, then the car speeds up to maintain speed, but it can’t, because there is no traction. The car continues to speed up.

However, if and when the wheels do grab what happens to you? You lose control of the car!
You are lucky if you don’t have an accident.

Contributed by Marie Donahue

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ed Fleck, Federation Membership Chair has asked each chapter to add the following statement in their next chapter newsletter:


Recruitment is a contact sport. We are NARFE members because we believe in the mission of NARFE. It is that belief that should cause you to always be on the lookout for new members. NARFE is an advocacy organization that protects and hopefully enhances the EARNED retirement and health insurance benefits of feds, both active or retired, and their families. NARFE has four lobbyists and two legislative specialists to advocate for us with Congress. NARFE's clout is based on the size of our membership. That is why we need to be constantly recruiting new members, because, due to our aged membership, we unfortunately lose many members each year. Always have a membership form and dues withholding form with you for "when the moment is right." Joining costs $33 and includes our monthly NARFE Magazine with its great Q&A section. Don't let a recruiting opportunity pass you by -- give NARFE a plug (and an application). Be sure to put your membership # on any applications you hand out as our chapter receives a $2 "commission." If you recruit an active fed, you personally receive $8. Again, recruitment is a contact sport.

This statement was originally prepared by Richard Carroll D2VP who sent it to his chapter presidents.

Thanks for all you do,

Charlie Shannon D3VP

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


If everyone votes on the issue of Single Dues at the September meeting with the good of the Chapter and the organization as a whole in mind, then the outcome surely will be positive.

Returning to every day problems, the chapter is in better shape than it has been in a long time. We just came off a summer of out standing accomplishments. The chapter had a true team effort in finding a permanent meeting place. We had three very successful lunches with the attendance of 25members at the first, 35 at the next, and 39 members at the last. Participation greater than 30% would be excellent even for a mid winter meeting. In addition to the lunches several members organized a ferry trip to New Smyrna where we had the opportunity to meet and share thoughts with some of the NARFE New Smyrna members.

On the serious side our discussions included the issue of Single Dues, what makes for a good chapter meeting place, and how we might improve our relationship with the Community, especially the postal workers. We held a workshop in conjunction with the Ormond library, introduced a Blog into our communication system which already contained a newsletter, e-mail, regular mail, and telephone committee. Every member was contacted thoughout the summer at least once every month and for some several times each month. Again that required a team effort in most cases.

On the legislative side we were in contact with NARFE National and following their lead by developing a package of materials to be delivered as a 12 member group to the staff of Congressman John Mica. Each member of the group also had a personal message which was related to the general requests of the chapter. After the meeting several individual contacts were made. These follow-up sessions will continue.

The Board analyzed the attendance records of the last 18 months and came to several conclusions. For one thing it seems about 54 members are the bases of all our attendance at meetings.

Upon looking at the general membership for the same period it was concluded that Lee Sherman is the most successful recruiter in the chapter and the one who has signed up the most members to dues withholding. Mary Araya has keep records of who attends the meetings and knows most of the members by name as does Lee and Cece Dougherty. As a result of this detail study of who comes and why as well as why they don’t attend some changes have been made. Lee Sherman, who chairs Membership and Service now, will also chair Recruitment; Mary Araya will continue to collect data on members as part of her Secretarial duties: Cece Dougherty who was instrumental in organizing a number of activities and also supplied information on those members who don’t attend meetings will now Chair Retention of Members. We also recognize the importance of successful publicity and good Public Relations with the Community as well as with Active federal Employees. Therefore; Patricia (Trish) Vevera will Chair Public Relations.

May the rest of the year be as productive as this past summer.


A by-law change was suggested at the May meeting and discussed with a favorable recommendation for a vote at the September meeting.

Article VIII Voting and Election

Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall present an approved slate of officers at the November meeting for election and installation at the Annual meeting in January.

The proposal is to strike November and January.

Insert April and May.

Section 3. Now reads: The Nominating Committee shall present an approved slate of officers at the April meeting for election and installation at the Annual meeting in May



SEPTEMBER 21, 2009, 11:30 A.M.


920 N. US 1

Ormond Beach


Marguerite Hiemenz, Program Chair

Mark O’Keefe, an EVAC Paramedic, will speak at our September meeting. His topic for discussion will be “Navigating the Medicare Maze” plus other related issues in regard to using EVAC.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The Ormond Beach Fire department is offering annual flu shots at Fire Station 91, 364 S. Atlantic Ave. from 9a.m. to 5p.m. daily. Cost is $25 and they accept Medicare part B as full payment. The shot is the seasonal flu shot that we usually get and not the Swine Flu shot that will be available latter. It is advisable to get both and the seasonal one as soon as possible. For more information call the office at 386-676-3255.

Geri and I took advantage of the offer today and found no waiting plus two very pleasant firemen to serve us.( By the way it is a great place to take the grandchildren. They are all set up for kids of all ages. They have a complete play yard.)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I hope to continue to introduce chapter members into the BLOG NEWSLETTER. Trish came to my attention by volunteering twice within one month. That in itself makes her very special in my book.

Prior to moving to Florida in 2001, Patricia Vevera(Trish) taught art at the high school, community college, and private levels. Trish was also employed by the U.S. Postal Service for twenty-five years as clerk, supervisor, and Postmaster. All this time Trish was actively involved in exhibiting and showing her art with four one-woman shows from 1993-1999 along with several group exhibitions as well as outdoor shows in Illinois and Indiana. Trish began exhibiting and selling her work in Florida in 2002. She belongs to several area art groups and exhibit with them during the year. Trish's paintings are of the eco-system that surrounds her at the moment. She favors landscape oil paintings. Her latest paintings show different emotional, intellectual and visual levels of the environment.

You may learn more about Trish and see some of her art at:

I'm sorry you can not go directly from the address above to Trish's page. You have to go from your e-mail or use explorer. I'm working on a direct link, but don't have it down yet. RW