NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL
Executive Board Meeting - November 9, 2009
Attending were Bob Wehrli, Cece Dougherty, Lee Sherman, Marie Donahue, John Lowe, June Griffin, Arturo Araya, and Mary Araya. Issues discussed:
Booster Account: A $50.00 donation was received bringing the account total to $85.00.
Holiday Donations from members: Food received at the November meeting will be taken to Halifax Urban Ministries. Lee will invite members to assist in loading the bags of food into her car. Persons from Halifax Urban will receive the food donated. Monies from last month’s 50/50 raffle ($31.00) will be added to this month’s raffle result and donated as gift certicates. The unwrapped toy donations will be picked up and Bob will take them to the Police Station. All donations are voluntary.
Senior Exposition Recap: Overall estimation, our participation was deemed well worth the time and effort. We were able to recruit for our chapter, New Smyrna and Deland. Bob will meet with John Lowe on reimbursement costs: mileage, garage parking, etc.
Regret was expressed that the chapter was not able to participate in the October 13 Health Fair in Ormond. Mr. Knies who, with his wife, runs the Health Fair, is a retired federal worker. It was suggested that, to gain support for our recruiting effort, one of our $10.00 luncheon coupons be offered to the Knies as an incentive to attend a chapter meeting. Also noted: the News Journal contributed the $125.00 which allowed our chapter to man a booth at the Volusia Mall.
Christmas Party: Alice Mauzy, hostess, reports for the minutes that everything is set up for a successful party. The deadline to give in the numbers of attendees is Monday, November 30. Cece has the responsibility for the libations, Marguerite for the entertainment. Our sound system will be brought in by John Lowe with the assistance of Ron Richardson and Victor Dean. The phone committee will remind members with no e-mail about the Christmas luncheon.
Six Cobbler Aprons with NARFE logo were shown; acquired for use at conventions and for Senior Expo.
NARFE Magazines: Members will be reminded to bring copies to meetings, get a NARFE label affixed and help the recruitment effort by dropping them off at doctors’ offices.
Petition Form to Florida Senators: Printing postcard forms to support the Health Bill was discussed. Proposal tabled for future discussion.
Adjournment at 11:30.