Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Three programs seem to bring the troops out. They are Taxes, Insurance, and a good party. At the Monday November 16th, we had some of each going for us. John Lowe provided the bit on Taxes, Diane Thompson did a great job of representing BC/BS and Alice Mauzy provided the information on the Christmas Party. But I truly think the members enjoyed bringing the food for the Ormond Ministries and the toys for the Police department. Several members had stories involving their purchases. They were living their past in a good way.

If that isn't good enough, Cece tells me we have 43 members signed up for the Christmas Party and Lee tells me we have 4 (yes, FOUR) new members , one transfer member and six new Dues Withholding , all as a result of our Monday meeting plus good old fashion hard work. The new members are Richard La Pierre, Georgia La Pierre, Frances Sorensen, and Loraine Savage. The Transfer member is Fredrick Sorensen. To top it off we had 47 people at the meeting.

The Officers wish to thank everyone. As a team we did a great job.

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