Monday, July 30, 2012


What can one say? Our Congressional District will have a new representative after the November general election. Until then nothing much will happen because of the dead lock in Congress. After the election our Representative, regardless which party the person belongs to, he or she will be a junior and expected to take the back bench. He or she will owe a large debt to their party which has to be paid off in loyalty to the party. In other words, the possibility of our representative initiating any real act on our part or for the benefit of anyone else is near zero.
The positive side to our problem is the junior might be more will to learn and hear our arguments for justice. The junior might also make their person available to us either at the office or at one of our NARFE meetings. It has been a long time since we actually saw our Representative.  Yes, we have seen office staff and managers, but not the Congressperson.

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