Saturday, July 18, 2009

LUNCH with the FEDS

LUNCH with the FEDS, JULY20TH.
Just a reminder that “Lunch with the Feds” will take place next Monday at 11:30 a.m. at the River Grille on US route 1 in Ormond.

This is an important lunch because you will have an opportunity observe the restaurant first hand. The three Restaurant being considered as our permanent Meeting place are the River Grille, the Olive Garden and the Morison's Buffet.

Next month on August will have the opportunity to meet at the Olive Garden and then we will vote our meeting place.

We have a second good reason for attending the lunch this Monday for the topic of discussion will be the Single Dues Referendum. The August edition of the NARFE magazine provides an excellent detailed description of the Referendum on pages 42 and 43.

Dated: July 11, 2009
The National Executive Board meeting on March 4, 2009 decided to amend the Bylaws to provide for a single NARFE dues structure by a referendum to chapters. The Board decided a single dues structure was in the best interest of NARFE. The referendum will be sent to chapters for a vote in September this year.
Each chapter president will ensure that every chapter member, including those that rarely attend meetings, be given an opportunity to discuss the referendum. When you discuss it, please keep in mind what is best for our organization.

Distribution of NARFE Dues
(If NARFE Dues Referendum is approved)

1. NARFE Dues, $40.00 annually. Federation is remitted $4.00 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $9.00, and National retains $27.00.
2. Dues Withholding, $36.00 annually. Federation is remitted $3.60 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $8.00, and National retains $24.40.
3. Active Federal Employees. As long as they are Active Federal Employees, they may renew at the special incentives. Once they retire, they will pay NARFE dues.
4. Members-at-Large. National Only members will continue to pay the old National dues of $29.00.
5. Life Members. Chapters will be remitted $9.00.
6. New Life Members. New actuarial tables with be established, $9.00 will be remitted to the chapter and $4.00 to the Federation.
7. Honorary Members (Grandfathered). Chapters will be remitted $9.00 unless this has been waived by the chapter.
8. Distinguished Members. They will be charged $40.00 for NARFE dues with $4.00 remitted to the Federation, $9.00 to the chapter and the rest to National.

Cece Dougherty said...

Who will explain to the people who don't come to meetings, this subject that is controversial

Bob Wehrli said...

I will have to cover the meeting in the hard copy of the September Newsletter. My guess is that our Chapter has given the subject more attention than 95% of the Chapters except for New York City.
We won't actually vote until the October or November Meeting.


  1. Who will explain to the people who don't come to meetings, this subject that is controversial

  2. I will have to cover the meeting in the hard copy of the September Newsletter. My guess is that our Chapter has given the subject more attention than 95% of the Chapters except for New York City.
    We won't actually vote until the October or November Meeting.


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