Sunday, November 29, 2009


From: NARFE National Headquarters

Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 12:34 PM

Subject: Appropriate use of NARFE Email

Over the past several weeks there have been exchanges of e-mails among NARFE members expressing views about the current Administration and public officials. Some of these have been very critical and have offended some of our members. Please remember that NARFE as an organization is political, but nonpartisan. When sending an e-mail to NARFE members on matters of a political nature, always consider the impact it will have on their sensibilities. Moreover, be sure to include a disclaimer to the effect that the views expressed in the e-mail are those of the sender and not those of the NARFE organization.

Margaret Baptiste
National President


Since the above message was distributed to All NARFE GEMS members, additional comment didn’t seem necessary. However, it seems some of our own Chapter members have offended other members with their jokes and words. Since this fact is now brought out into the open, I trust we will all get into the holiday spirit and be more sensitive of everyone’s believes and values.

This Chapter has been always known for its frankness and direct talk; however, we function as a team. We are all in the same boat and discussion is not physical sport. It should be an art form.

Bob Wehrli

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