Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bipartisan Budget Commission

The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform created by a February 18th Executive Order will be co-chaired by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff, Erskine Bowles, and former Senate Whip, Alan Simpson (R-WY). NARFE will monitor the naming of Commissioners and the work of the Commission, whose report is due December 1st. NARFE plans to point out to commissioners that federal civil service retirement benefits are fully funded and actuarially sound and should not be swept up in the effort to achieve political as well as deficit reduction goals. To see the full text of the Executive Order go to the White House web site by copying and pasting in to your e-mail:


  1. Lets see if we can comment

  2. that's a bit scary. We better watch closely. Cece

  3. Bob, When I went into the website I got a message "403 forbidden"


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