Sunday, July 10, 2011

REDISTRICTING: Congressional Districts

NARFE 2247 NEWS #37

Once every decade the States have a chance to changes in the shape of the

Congressional Districts based on voting population. This is the year for Redistricting.

This summer, Florida legislators are holding public hearings statewide to gather

public input on “redistricting”. In the past the politicians chose their voters

rather than the public choosing the makeup of the Congressional District the way

the Constitution intended.

This summer, we have the chance to change that or at least provide public

pressure on the politicians to change their ways.

Please plan to attend a public hearing at the News Journal Center at Daytona

State College on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Even if you don’t

reserve a place on the agenda attend the hearing anyway and be informed. Your

presents alone will make a necessary impression.

Please plan to attend a public hearing July 12th. and urge legislators to

provide draft redistricting plans for response from the public.

To RSVP click on the following link:


Copy and paste the above link into your web browser's "address" window.

If you make a reservation to attend, please inform me of your intention.

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