Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The question of where the Chapter will meet on the third Monday of the month has been finally settled. The River Grille Restaurant at 950 N. US Highway1in Ormond was selected at the Fed Lunch on August 17, 2009. The River Grille received 19 votes out of 39 or 48% while Morrision Buffet, the Olive garden and the Elks Lodge received 6 votes each or 15%. In the end there was no question which Restaurant was the first choice of the members.

Four members send their preference in prior to the meeting and those votes would have been counted if the vote had been close, but that wasn’t the case. It should be mentioned that many other restaurants were considered, but they didn’t meet all the requirements of a meeting with 40 members plus audio. The ability to hear and see the speaker was high on the list of requirements.

In the past, we have used two table arrangements. The first being long tables with the members sitting at right angles to the speaker. The other is more informal with six or eight at a table like the Christmas Party and the speaker is at one end of the room. The latter allows for better discussions between members at any one table, but still allows fair visibility of the speaker and hearing is usually good. I suggest we use the informal arrangement for the September meeting.

There is also a second official meeting of the Chapter every second Monday of the month at the Ormond Library. All members are invited to this meeting which is held in room #4 at 10:00a.m. Some of the activities of this meeting include producing the Newsletter, committee reports, and preparation of actions for approval by the members.

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