Benjamin J. Pappa Jr.
FL. Federation Past President
Each Chapter member needs to find out from your Chapter President or Secretary as to when this referendum will be discussed, and when the vote will be taken and make plans to attend both of the meetings.
Each member needs to approach this issue with an open mind, and consider what is best for the association, not as a personal agenda item. Questions need to be asked and answered, questions of both a positive and negative approach. Questions such as:
If this referendum is adopted;
1 - How will this affect future recruitment of new members, will it make it easer or more difficult?
2 – How will this affect the retention of our current members?
3 – Will this provide National, Federation and each Chapter with the funds needed to accomplish the tasks entrusted to them, or;
4 – Will this place an undo hardship on the individual member because of the increase in annual dues to about 65% of our membership, an average increase of about $2.00 to $5.00 per year?
5 – Will this have a major affect on those chapters that have dues of more then $9.00 with a loss in revenue, about 15% of our membership?
6 – What will the overall cost to national be to adjust the text on several forms and handouts that relate to National and Chapter dues?
7 – What will be the cost to reprogram the national computer system to adapt to this new dues structure?
8 – Does this referendum in its current text address a fair distribution of the National Dues, should it be distributed by dollars as stated in the current referendum, or should it be distributed to each part of NARFE, national, federation and chapter by a percentage of the total National Dues, thereby avoiding future problems should a need to increase dues sometime in the future ?
These are just a few of the question that need to be addressed, I am certain that you and other chapter members will have several others. It’s only when each chapter member has a better understanding of what this referendum may or may not do, that each member with an open mind will be able to vote yes or no based on what is best for NARFE as an Association to accomplish its goals of protecting the earned benefits of both the current and retired federal employee.
Over the years as both a member and leader within NARFE, I have learned that given the correct information, the membership will inject the proper and correct guidance to the leadership through either suggestive ideas or mandated policies and procedures through their vote.
Become involved, NARFE needs you, and you need NARFE !
See Ben's entire message in the RIGHT COLUMN just below
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