NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL
Minutes of Chapter Meeting - October 19, 2009
Forty-six officers, members, guests and speaker Kent Ryan were present at this meeting which was called to order at the River Grille at 11:30 a.m.. The meeting opened with a pledge of allegiance and prayer. President Bob Wehrli introduced guests from the NARFE Titusville Chapter, prospective new members (federal retirees) and other guests. He thanked Ron Richardson and Victor Dean for assisting with the audio system at meetings. Minutes and Treasurer’s reports were read. Both reports were accepted and filed. Cece Dougherty updated the information on the check for Social Security recipients; the amount of this stimulus is to be for $250.00. June Griffin, Treasurer, thanked the group for the get well card she recently received.
A vote was taken on the single dues issue as proposed by the National. Thirty-two members voted with the results as follows: 20 members voted yes; 12 members voted no.
Ten members abstained. Our chapter has three (3) votes at National, so the split was two (2) votes in favor of single dues and one (1) vote against. The official ballot was mailed to NARFE Election Processing.
The plans for the Christmas Party continue to be formalized. Alice Mauzy is our hostess and Marguerite Hiemenz is responsible for entertainment. Cece Dougherty is in charge of ticket reservations.
Legislation: John Lowe gave an update on progress in the stimulus program. Those on Social Security will receive a booster check of $250.00. The benefit will also hopefully be extended to federal and state employees. John also advised that, though insurance premiums are going up, federal government insurance is still “a pretty good deal.” John then talked about set up and manning the booth at the Senior Expo slated for November 4th and 5th.
Membership: Lee Sherman distributed handouts from the Council on Aging on diabetes. She invited those who have not already done so to sign up for dues-withholding. Prizes in this latest contest will be awarded from both National and District headquarters.
Programs: The topic for the November meeting will be health insurance premiums. Blue Cross/ Blue Shield representatives will be our speakers. GEHA and Mailhandlers personnel have been invited to attend.
Kent Ryan, Vice President of the Daytona State College Foundation, addressed the members about the WISE (Wisdom in Senior Education) program available and ongoing at the present time. Each week through December 10, a different topic of exploration is offered to seniors from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.at the Hosseini Center. The semester fee is $15.00 for a single person and $25.00 for a couple. Annually, the cost is $25.00 for a single and $45.00 for a couple. Topics range from preparing holiday treats to photography to estate planning to a vicarious visit to Africa. Registration is necessary because of restricted seating, and sign-up can be made online. Professor Ryan also fielded questions about the range of college degrees and programs offered in our area colleges. President Bob Wehrli thanked Professor Ryan for taking the time to address our group.
Two motions were made from the chair:
1. At the October and November meetings, monies realized from the 50/50 raffle will be donated to a local food bank. Members who wish may bring a bag of groceries to the November meeting to be given also to a local food bank. Motion seconded by Trish Vevera. Motion carried by those present.
2. Members are invited to bring an unwrapped toy to the November meeting. Toys will be donated to an institution in Ormond Beach. Motion seconded by Cece Dougherty. Motion carried by the membership present.
Bob requested that old NARFE magazines be brought to meetings. Chapter labels will be affixed to the magazines that will now be ready to distribute to doctors’ offices by the members.
Winners of prizes were as follows:
v Kay Seaman won a book donated by our speaker of the day.
v Mary Ann Whitaker won a $10.00 voucher.
v Ann Kifer won the 50/50 raffle.
Bob Wehrli adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. (Rose Lauer/Cece Dougherty).
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