Saturday, June 27, 2009


The Ormond NARFE Chapter 2247 presented a sizable check to Leonora Sicula,Chairperson for the Alzheimer's State Fund for NARFE. Bob Wehrli, the President of the Ormond Chapter 2247 made the presentaion and specified that the money was to be used for ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCH.


  1. The Chapter use to give their Alzheimer's Funds to the Local organization. Why have we changed?

  2. On review of past donations to the Locale organization and the logical arguments for research by Ms. Sicula it was thought that the money could be best used on research.

  3. Our chapter keeps the members informed of law changes in Washington and tries to be helpful to the members who need it.

  4. -- June Griffin wrote: > Bob, I did receive a letter from the Alzheimer’s Assoc. today but they made no mention of receiving the money from NARFE only thanked me personally. I guess I should write them a letter or send an email, what do you think? June
    Bob Wehrli wrote:
    That was one question I didn't ask about at the convention. I will contact the NARFE Chairperson and ask if we will receive some recognition. I will see to it that you get your answer.
    June Griffin is speaking for Chapter 2247 in her comment below. Will we receive something from either NARFE or the Alzheimer's organization? I direct this question to you, because I feel you have the answer. Please give it your attention.
    As a side issue you might want to click on to see your picture and a short story.


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