Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Congressman John Mica

Pat Berger has obtained a promise of a personal meeting with Congressman John Mica while he is on recess. Dick Harkey, who has spoken before the Ormond Chapter in the past will set up the meeting. Nick Calvano, Lee Sherman, John Lowe and Pat Berger will be joined by several other volunteers to meet Dick Harkey prior to the meeting with the Congressman.

Further developments on the up coming meets will be posted here.

Bob Wehrli, President


  1. It will be great if we can finally get an appointment with John Mica himself. I wonder if he realizes his retirement money is affected by what we are asking for?

  2. Has Mica been sympathetic to our issues?

  3. Mica has never been sympathetic to federal employees or retirees. It is my impression that he views us as so many pigs at a trough. His votes on issues involving federal workers has been virtually 100% negative.

  4. We had a nice number to represent our chapter
    and our concerns today at Mica's office.
    Hopefully he will take notice his constituants
    are aware of his help (or not).
    Marie Donahue


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