Sunday, December 6, 2009


NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL

Minutes of Chapter Meeting - November 16, 2009

President Bob Wehrli called the meeting to order at 11:30 on this date. 44 members including new members, guests and speaker Diane Thompson, Account Manager Central Region, Blue Cross. Bob thanked the members for their donations of food to be taken to Halifax Urban Ministries by Lee Sherman after the meeting as well as the toys also donated that will be taken to the Ormond Beach Police Station by Bob Wehrli. The proceeds from both the October and the November 50/50 raffle will also be sent to the Halifax Urban Ministries. All participated in the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the moment of prayer. Minutes and Treasurer’s report were accepted as read and filed.


Membership: Lee Sherman introduced new members Richard and Georgia LaPierre and Frances Sorensen, wife of Fredrick Sorensen, who transferred from Chapter 58.

Legislation: John Lowe shared his impressions on the success of the Senior Expo and thanked those members who volunteered to help set up and man the booth.

Sunshine: Judy Boring sent a get well card to Dewey Morris with our best wishes.


No old business was brought up at this meeting.

Our speaker this month, Diane Thompson, is the Account Manager for the Central Region Blue Cross. Diane sent us the best regards of Tony Falanga who is retired and is doing well. The object of Ms. Thompson’s talk was to update the membership on the 2010 Benefit Program with its new rates and changes. Brochures are available for comparison viewing. Open season is from November 9th to December 14th. Ms. Thompson invited members to call her at (800) 555-8228 Ext 27918 or e-mail her at for individual questions on Blue Cross/Blue Shield benefits and costs. BC/BS is moving toward a wellness component of its program; i.e. coverage for health risk assessment, physical exams, nutrition for children, vaccines by pharmacy free of charge, speech generating devices for stroke, Alzheimer’s, throat cancer patients. Also gym discounts at God’s and other gyms, Jenny Craig e-diet; free odometers for walking at work, discount through Beltone, vision supplement program and the like. Ms. Thompson fielded a number of questions from the membership. Bob Wehrli thanked Diane Thompson for her very relevant talk.


Christmas Luncheon: Alice Mauzy, our hostess, told the members all was set for the Christmas Luncheon to be held at the Ocanside Country Club on Thursday, December 3 beginning at 11:30. The meal will be served at 12:00 noon with the menu to include tilapia, sirloin and vegetarian main dish. Apple crisp and ice cream will be served for dessert. Cece Dougherty will sell tickets for drinks and Marguerite will welcome the entertainers “The Talk of the Town.” Tickets are $21.00 and can be obtained by sending a check to Cece Dougherty 932 Northbrook Drive, Ormond Beach, FL32174-3972.

John Lowe gave us news of the equivalent of the Cash for Clunkers program, now for appliances. From April 16th to 25th, appliance dealers are offer rebates of 20% off new appliances when the old appliance is turned in.

Bob Wehrli modeled the new cobble aprons acquired to advertise our chapter at Sr. Expo, postal workers outreach and conventions.

Results of the raffles are as follows: The 50/50 raffle was won by Carmen Cook, with the other $22.00 donated to the food bank. Lee Sherman won the $10.00 voucher coupon.

The meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. Moved by Victor Dean; seconded by Mary Ann Whitaker.

M. Araya

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