Friday, July 31, 2009


Dear Ellen, Could you possibly find room for this announcement your NEIGHBORS section?

Due To Red Lobster Restaurant on A1A closing, the Ormond Beach Chapter of NARFE 2247 (National Active and Retired Federal Employees) will be holding their summer social at Olive Garden on A1A in Ormond Beach on Monday August 17 at 11:30 AM. In addition to learning events taking place in Washington that will affect everybody, it’s important for members to attend because we will be deciding where we will hold our regular meetings until next June.

For further information call 672-5827. Cece Dougherty

In the past we had more luck getting Chapter announcements into the two local papers, but due to the economy it is becoming more difficult.

Cece Dougherty said...

It seems to me I've said those words before.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


As part of the next Fed Lunch you will be voting on our future Meeting place, but there are several other issues you should be thinking about. Remember last May we had a By-law change proposed that would change our election from November to next May. We will also have to vote on the Single Dues Referendum. Considering all the attention that the Chapter has given to Single Dues we should be ready to Vote in October.

Cece Dougherty said...

We sure are having a busy summer, between unofficial meetings and making so many decisions we are going to need a winter vacation.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

CAUTION; read the bottom line!

Senator Tom Coburn, R-OK, filibustered against amendment 1522 offered by Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and Sen. Collins to make several improvements to civil service. Senator Tom Coburn filibuster for a total of one hour and 20 minutes.

Then Senator Tom Coburn made this unbelievable comment,

“By the way, if you are a Federal employee and unhappy with me trying to defeat this amendment, you should pay attention to something. There is no guarantee to your Federal pension based on the economics we face today in this country. If you think it is guaranteed, you have another thought coming because the world economic system is going to determine whether we can honor that pension. That is what is coming. We are very close.

I fail to see what I could say after that statement. However, it has created more e-mail than any other topic in the last year.

Cece Dougherty said...

Sen Coburn is lucky he doesm't depend on us for votes.

Monday, July 27, 2009


The NARFE NEWSLETTER (the user name for the Chapter Blog) was started on June 22, 2009. At the present time there are 27 Postings on the Newsletter with at least 21 Topics identified with a link which will take the reader directly to the Topic by clicking on the the Topic. The list of Topics are shown in the RIGHT COLUMN just above the Blog Archives.
The number shown with each Topic indicates how many times the Topic is identified within the NEWSLETTER. For example Congressman Mica is mentioned 4 times within the NEWSLETTER.
The Topics only are listed below. Look in the RIGHT COLUMN for TOPICS of INTEREST.
Click on a topic and the Blog will take you to the Posting (s).
• CHAPTER (10)
• GPO (1)
• HUMOR (1)
• MICA (4)
• WEP (1)

Bob Wehrli said...

If you tried this yesterday. The procedure would have been different. I did some research and was able to improve the link. Plus, now the Topics will grow with the Postings and be available to you in the Right hand Column on a permanent basis.

Friday, July 24, 2009


The following is the results of a poll taken at the last Ormond Chapter Fed Lunch on July20th. The attachment (see attachment below) was handed out to each of the six tables where the members were to discuss each of the questions and vote as a table on each question. There were a total of thirty members present which represented 26 percent of the total Chapter membership. The object of the exercise was not to get the final vote, but familiarize the membership with the issues and the voting process that would take place this fall.

The results of question one were 1YES VOTE, 23NO VOTES AND 6 DIDN’T VOTE.

The indication of the vote was that 23 members didn’t feel the Single Dues would assist them in recruiting. Six members didn’t have any strong feeling one way or the other. Note only two choices were given, yes or no.

On question two the vote was 17 YES, 4 NO, and 9 ABSTAINED.

More than fifty percent felt the Single Dues met its goal. This time thirteen members had their doubts.

Question three the vote was O YES, 27 NO and 3 abstained.

There was no question about their feelings on FUND RAISING. The Chapter strongly apposes fund raising.

The results of question four were 23 YES, 4 NO, and 3 ABSTAINED.

The Chapter members would accept a Dues increase to $9.00.

On question five the vote was 13 YES, 14 NO, and 3 ABSTAINED.

They don’t object to an increase in dues but there has to be a clear need and not a complicated formula.

On question six the vote was 10 YES, 20 NO and no one ABSTAINED.

It seems very significant that no one abstained when asked if SINGLE DUES was good for the entire organization.

An open discussion followed the voting where more feelings were freely expressed. Another issue came out of this discussion and that was the members feel very strong about control of Chapter. They felt different Chapters had different needs and operated completely differently. They felt that Florida provided them with a choice of Chapters and that was a strong factor in their participation. They felt that they as members should decide what the Chapter Dues should be and when they should change. Some member actually expressed their resentment the Nation collects the dues and then reimburses the Chapter. Some members remembered when the Chapter collected the dues.

This is a very small Chapter and has very little to say in the total organization, but if it was up to this Chapter the Single Dues Referendum would be defeated.


Please take some time to discuss and vote as a table on each of these questions.

1. Will the Referendum make it easier for you to recruit your neighbor or your postal worker? Yes_____, No_____

2. If the goal is to have single (one) dues, does the referendum accomplish the goal? Yes_____, NO _____

3. The National Executive Board suggests that Chapter whose dues might decease because of the Referendum might have Fund Raising Programs. Do you think dues should be supported by Fund Raising? Yes____, No_____

4. Do you approve of increasing our dues to $9.00? Yes_____, No_____

5. If the Referendum is rejected by the entire organization, would you approve of increasing our dues to say $9.00 over a period of nine years in three steps starting in 2010? Yes_____, NO ______

6. Is this REFERENDUM good for the entire organization? Yes_____, No _____

Distribution of NARFE Dues

(If NARFE Dues Referendum is approved)

1. NARFE Dues, $40.00 annually. Federation is remitted $4.00 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $9.00, and National retains $27.00.

2. Dues Withholding, $36.00 annually. Federation is remitted $3.60 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $8.00, and National retains $24.40.

3. Active Federal Employees. As long as they are Active Federal Employees, they may renew at the special incentives. Once they retire, they will pay NARFE dues.

4. Members-at-Large. National Only members will continue to pay the old National dues of $29.00.

5. Life Members. Chapters will be remitted $9.00.

6. New Life Members. New actuarial tables with be established, $9.00 will be remitted to the chapter and $4.00 to the Federation.

7. Honorary Members (Grandfathered). Chapters will be remitted $9.00 unless this has been waived by the chapter.

8. Distinguished Members. They will be charged $40.00 for NARFE dues with $4.00 remitted to the Federation, $9.00 to the chapter and the rest to National.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Senator Martinez

Casework Corner

*Mr. Turner, a federal employee, was recently diagnosed with Myclodysplastic Syndrome. Myclodysplastic Syndrome is a cancer of the red blood cells in bone marrow and requires a high dosage of chemotherapy prior to approval of a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, Mr. Turner's insurance carrier denied him coverage for a bone marrow transplant. As a result, Mr. Turner filed an appeal with to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). After the appeal was filed, Mr. Turner learned Medicare does not cover this type of therapy. Mr. Turner then turned to the Office of Senator Martinez for assistance.

A caseworker contacted the Office of Personnel Management to inquire about the status of Mr. Turner's appeal. The Office of Personnel Management immediately reviewed the appeal and based on the information Mr. Turner provided, he was issued a favorable reversal to his appeal. As a result, Mr. Turner was able to receive a bone marrow transplant.

If you have questions about a federal agency, please contact the Orlando Regional Office by calling (407) 254-2573 to speak with a member of the Casework Department. The toll-free number for Florida residents is (866) 630-7106. To find out more about how my office can help you, go to or stop by one of our scheduled Community Office Hours in your area.

*Casework Corner is a real account of assistance provided to constituents. The names of those involved are changed to protect the privacy of the constituent.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) is a leading recipient of campaign contributions from the hospitals, insurers and other medical interest groups hoping to shape health-care legislation. (By Melina Mara -- The Washington Post)

As liberal protesters marched outside, Sen. Max Baucus sat down inside a San Francisco mansion for a dinner of chicken cordon bleu and a discussion of landmark health-care legislation under consideration by his Senate Finance Committee.

At the table on May 26 were about 20 donors willing to fork over $10,000 or more to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, including executives of major insurance companies, hospitals and other health-care firms.

"Most people there had an agenda; they wanted the ear of a senator, and they got it," said Aaron Roland, a San Francisco health-care activist who paid half price to attend the gathering. "Money gets you in the door. The only thing the other side can do is march around and protest outside."

As his committee has taken center stage in the battle over health-care reform, Chairman Baucus (D-Mont.) has emerged as a leading recipient of Senate campaign contributions from the hospitals, insurers and other medical interest groups hoping to shape the legislation to their advantage. Health-related companies and their employees gave Baucus's political committees nearly $1.5 million in 2007 and 2008, when he began holding hearings and making preparations for this year's reform debate.

Top health executives and lobbyists have continued to flock to the senator's often extravagant fundraising events in recent months. During a Senate break in late June, for example, Baucus held his 10th annual fly-fishing and golfing weekend in Big Sky, Mont., for a minimum donation of $2,500. Later this month comes "Camp Baucus," a "trip for the whole family" that adds horseback riding and hiking to the list of activities.

To avoid any appearance of favoritism, his aides say, Baucus quietly began refusing contributions from health-care political action committees after June 1. But the policy does not apply to lobbyists or corporate executives, who continued to make donations, disclosure records show.

Baucus declined requests to comment for this article. Spokesman Tyler Matsdorf said the senator "is only driven by one thing: what is right for Montana and the country. And he will continue his open process of working together with the president, his colleagues in Congress, and groups and individuals from across the nation to get this legislation passed."

“To get this legislation passed”, but what legislation? Is the legislation loaded with Corporate goodies as it has been for the past eight years or is it good for the people? Remember it was Corporate America that got us into this Economic mess in the first place. Can we trust Corporate America to look out for us? Will we have to call India to make our next Doctor appointment or will we have to learn Chinese to read our prescription bottle? If the last eight years taught us anything it should have taught us not to depend on Wall Street or Corporate America to do the Right thing. It is the bottom line all the way for those folks. We are on the outside looking in with no options.

Cece Dougherty said...

It gets very disturbing when we read something like this.We need a clean bill of health, literally. No special interests should be tolerated. Guess I'm dreaming.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

LUNCH with the FEDS

LUNCH with the FEDS, JULY20TH.
Just a reminder that “Lunch with the Feds” will take place next Monday at 11:30 a.m. at the River Grille on US route 1 in Ormond.

This is an important lunch because you will have an opportunity observe the restaurant first hand. The three Restaurant being considered as our permanent Meeting place are the River Grille, the Olive Garden and the Morison's Buffet.

Next month on August will have the opportunity to meet at the Olive Garden and then we will vote our meeting place.

We have a second good reason for attending the lunch this Monday for the topic of discussion will be the Single Dues Referendum. The August edition of the NARFE magazine provides an excellent detailed description of the Referendum on pages 42 and 43.

Dated: July 11, 2009
The National Executive Board meeting on March 4, 2009 decided to amend the Bylaws to provide for a single NARFE dues structure by a referendum to chapters. The Board decided a single dues structure was in the best interest of NARFE. The referendum will be sent to chapters for a vote in September this year.
Each chapter president will ensure that every chapter member, including those that rarely attend meetings, be given an opportunity to discuss the referendum. When you discuss it, please keep in mind what is best for our organization.

Distribution of NARFE Dues
(If NARFE Dues Referendum is approved)

1. NARFE Dues, $40.00 annually. Federation is remitted $4.00 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $9.00, and National retains $27.00.
2. Dues Withholding, $36.00 annually. Federation is remitted $3.60 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $8.00, and National retains $24.40.
3. Active Federal Employees. As long as they are Active Federal Employees, they may renew at the special incentives. Once they retire, they will pay NARFE dues.
4. Members-at-Large. National Only members will continue to pay the old National dues of $29.00.
5. Life Members. Chapters will be remitted $9.00.
6. New Life Members. New actuarial tables with be established, $9.00 will be remitted to the chapter and $4.00 to the Federation.
7. Honorary Members (Grandfathered). Chapters will be remitted $9.00 unless this has been waived by the chapter.
8. Distinguished Members. They will be charged $40.00 for NARFE dues with $4.00 remitted to the Federation, $9.00 to the chapter and the rest to National.

Cece Dougherty said...

Who will explain to the people who don't come to meetings, this subject that is controversial

Bob Wehrli said...

I will have to cover the meeting in the hard copy of the September Newsletter. My guess is that our Chapter has given the subject more attention than 95% of the Chapters except for New York City.
We won't actually vote until the October or November Meeting.


Two of the three House committees conducting marathon markups health care legislation, H.R. 3200, completed their work this week. This overhaul of health care continues to provide NARFE with a vehicle in which to include our Premium Conversion legislation (H.R. 1203/S. 491).

Use NARFE's Legislative Action Center to easily send a message to your own Representative and both Senators. Control (Ctrl) plus click the following link:

Arriving at the Legislation Action Center you will see block that has the words Take Action highlighted at the bottom of block….Click Take Action.

On arriving at a new page, look down the page for Editable Text to the House. You will see a suggest message:

“As a constituent and voter, I ask you to urge House Ways and Means Committee Chairman, Charles Rangel, to include H.R. 1203, Federal and Military Retiree Health Care Equity Act, in comprehensive health care reform legislation the Committee is currently considering”. You may send the messages as is or change it.

You have a similar message for the two Senators. SIGN YOUR NAME

Fill out the Sender Information. When you identify your home State as Florida plus your zip code the Action Center identifies your Congressman and your two Senators.

All that is left is click on SEND MESSAGE.

Friday, July 17, 2009


The question is who does support the RETIREE or for that matter the EMPLOYEE?

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is holding up the Senate vote on a NARFE supported federal civil service amendment to an unrelated Tobacco regulatory bill (H.R. 1256). Consideration of the amendment has been blocked on procedural grounds by Senator John McCain. Senator McCain is insisting on a vote on his amendment regarding the re-importation of prescription drugs from foreign countries before he'll let the civil service retirement improvements move forward.

The Civil Service amendment, offered by Senators Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME), would allow federal agencies to re-employ federal retirees on a limited, part-time basis without offset of annuity. The same amendment would also enable Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) workers to credit their unused sick leave toward retirement.

What is good for the any one group of Federal Employees Active or Retired is good for all of us.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Ormond NARFE Chapter 2247 met with Mica’s staff on July 15, 2009 in the Ormond office. Bob Wehrli, President of the Ormond Chapter, presided over the meeting and introduced each member to Mr. Richard Harkey who was standing in for the Congressman. Then Bob read a letter to the group that he asked Mr. Harkey to convey to the Congressman. The letter addressed three issues: Government Pension Offset (GPO), Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), and Premium Conversion. Bob thanked the congressman for Cosigning H.S.235 that would eliminate both the Government Pension offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) on or about March 24, 2009. However, the Bill has to get out of Committee if it is to receive a vote. To that end Bob

requested; that the Congressman urge Chairman Rangel of the House Committee on Ways and Means to take Action and allow the Bill to come before the entire House for a vote.

In like manner Bob asked; the Congressman to Cosign H.R. 1203 which would allow Federal and Military Retirees to use pre-tax earnings to pay their share of the health insurance premiums. He further urged the Congressman to use all in his power to get H.R.1203 out of Committee and onto the House Floor for a positive vote.

Next, eleven members of the Ormond Chapter and one from the New Smyma Beach Chapter provided personalized information as to how the three issues involved them and affect their lives. The members who spoke were: Cece Dougherty, Karen Isaacs, Nick Calvano, John Lowe, Lee Sherman, Pat Berger, Marie Donahue, Geri Wehrli, Sue O’Brien, Don Wasson, and Rose Lauer. Several of these people also provided written material addressing the three issues.

Bob closed by thanking Mr. Harkey for his attention and questions that brought out additional information on the three issues. Pictures were taken but unfortunately there was considerable glare form the sun, so some members sitting by the window are not shown above.


Changes to the Priority Group 8 Enrollment Restriction
In order to ensure the availability of quality and timely health care to veterans with service connected conditions, special authority based on military service, low income, and those with special health care needs, in January 2003 VA made the difficult decision to stop enrolling new Priority Group 8 (high income) veterans whose income exceeded VA income thresholds.

The new regulations went into effect on
June 15, 2009 and enable the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to relax income restrictions on enrollment for health benefits. While this new provision does not remove consideration of income, it does increase income thresholds. You may be eligible for enrollment under this new provision
Check here to see if you qualify for enrollment under new rules for VA health care:
Enrollment Calculator Link

Monday, July 13, 2009


Eleven Ormond Chapter members showed up for the Newsletter Workshop held in the Ormond library on July 13th. Mary Gaspary from the library conducted the class with some assistance from Cece Dougherty and me. Mary had eight computers available for the class plus one for herself that was connected to a wall projector. She led the group through various procedures with the goal of enabling each member to make a personal comment within the Newsletter. These procedures include getting on the net, adding the Newsletter to their Favorites for easy access, Linking to National headquarters by the use of the logo provided, and surfing the NARFE web site. Mary also made sure that every participant had made at least one Comment within the Newsletter. They were encouraged to copy something within the newsletter and then paste that information into Word. Everyone also explored the Archives which is part of the Newsletter.

The group responded with enthusiasm and requested more information. The Workshop was a great success!

As always there are unexpected rewards. Some were use to using a mouse to negotiate the screen, but in this case we had a touch pad. A very few had problems with the touch pad and some favored the pad over the mouse. Some found the material shown on the screen slightly different from their machine at home. This didn’t raise a serious problem.

Mary also showed us the library blog which was slightly different but gave everyone another prospective. As stated before the whole experience was very informative and a success.

Those attending the Workshop were: Cece Dougherty, John lowe. Marguerite Hiemenz, Mary Araya, Lee Sherman, Marie Donahue, Ron Richardson, Freeda Dowson and John Dowson. See the pictures above.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Chocolate Calculator:

Don’t tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway - but the Hershey Man will know!
This is pretty neat.


It takes less than a minute.

Work this out as you read.

Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!

This is not one of those waste of time things, it’s fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1759 ...If you haven't, add 1758.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number.

The first digit of this was your original number.
(i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).

The next two numbers are:

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!)

Sent in by e-mail by Marie Donahue. I thought it was worth including in the Newsleeter. How do you feel?

Saturday, July 11, 2009


The National Executive Board meeting on March 4, 2009 decided to amend the Bylaws to provide for a single or NARFE dues structure by a referendum to chapters. The Board decided a single dues structure was in the best interest of NARFE. The referendum will be sent to chapters for a vote in September this year.
At the past two National conventions, a resolution was submitted to amend the Bylaws to provide for a single dues structure. Both times, nearly two-thirds of the delegates voted to approve the resolutions. Each chapter president will ensure that every chapter member, including those that rarely attend meetings, be given an opportunity to discuss the referendum. When you discuss it, please keep in mind what is best for our organization.

Distribution of NARFE Dues
(If NARFE Dues Referendum is approved)

1. NARFE Dues, $40.00 annually. Federation is remitted $4.00 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $9.00, and National retains $27.00.
2. Dues Withholding, $36.00 annually. Federation is remitted $3.60 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $8.00, and National retains $24.40.
3. Active Federal Employees. As long as they are Active Federal Employees, they may renew at the special incentives. Once they retire, they will pay NARFE dues.
4. Members-at-Large. National Only members will continue to pay the old National dues of $29.00.
5. Life Members. Chapters will be remitted $9.00.
6. New Life Members. New actuarial tables with be established, $9.00 will be remitted to the chapter and $4.00 to the Federation.
7. Honorary Members (Grandfathered). Chapters will be remitted $9.00 unless this has been waived by the chapter.
8. Distinguished Members. They will be charged $40.00 for NARFE dues with $4.00 remitted to the Federation, $9.00 to the chapter and the rest to National.


We have a problem. The computers that we were to use in the Workshop on July13th. are in the training room, but they are not functional as of Saturday, July11,2009. One computer will be available that is connected to a projector. As entries are made the whole room will see the results on the screen. Some members will have the opportunity to make entries on the computer.
I believe it is possible to follow up with a hands on session once the computers are functional.
There is an alternative.
I will send you an e-mail containing the steps to sign on, add the newsletter to your Favorites, make at least one comment, and connect to a link.
You should print my e-mail out and have it by your computer as you go through the steps. If you have problems then call me at 441-9250. I will try to talk you through. You should take notes, so that you can bring these concerns to the Workshop on Monday, July13th.
We might all benefit by this alternative.
Two more items. Sorry no coffee in the computer room, and Mary's last name is Gaspary.
I'm looking forward to see you at the workshop.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Sorry to make you work in the summer, but it can't be helped.  The Executive Board will meet at 9:45 a.m. on July 8, 2009 in room 4 of the Ormond library to assemble the July mail out. We will also discuss the Speaker for September, the up coming Senior Expo. and the Out Reach program provided we have the time. Mica's office should also have a date for our meeting by then.  
1.            JULY 13 IS THE WORKSHOP.  
4.            AUGUST 17th. VOTING as part of the FED LUNCH AT THE OLIVE GARDEN. 

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Mary Gasberry of the Ormond Library will conduct a workshop on July 13, 2009 at 10:30a.m. in the library auditorium on the use of our NEWSLETTER. All chapter members are invited and encouraged to attend. We will try to make the workshop hands on as much as possible, and I will try to have coffee available to the attendees.


Summers for Chapter 2247 are usually a time for recovery, maybe some time for planning a trip, and mostly relaxed lunches where the members just exchange thoughts. What happened this year?

We had lunches all set up, a paddle wheel boat trip was possible for a short time except the management for the boat could not hire a cook and we had 30 inches of rain in Ormond. The boat might have floated successfully, but the members would want their lunch. We had to step back and take a more flexible water taxi trip to New Smyma Beach. The day before the water taxi trip we received the news that the Red Lobster, our meeting place for the last 10 years, had permanently closed. We had no monthly meeting place.

The trip to New Smyma Beach went as planned. Some of us had the pleasure of meeting with Marge Gilliland and several members of the New Smyma Beach Chapter 1844. Hal Kelten of Chapter 1844 had been most helpful in setting up the meeting between the two Chapters. Hal gave us a personal tour of the city. Hal was most kind and helpful.

Back in Ormond we still faced the loss of our meting place. The Executive board set up committees to review suggested restaurants and visits to the actual locations. The room had to accept an audio system; have seating for at least 40 people in a semi-private room, be central to the membership, and provide reasonably priced lunches.

Three restaurants met these demands. They are: the new Morrison Buffet in the Bellaire Plaza, the Olive Garden on A1A, and the River Grille Restaurant on Rt. 1.

On June 15, 2009, 25 members met at the Morrison Buffet for lunch and to check the facilities out.

On July 20 we will try to get as many members as possible to meet at the River Grille on Rt. 1 for the same evaluation.

We will meet in the Olive Garden on August 17, 2009. At the Olive Garden Restaurant, we will vote for a meeting place for September, October and November. The Christmas Party will be in December which is already established by date, time, and place.

In the past, we have had no Newsletter during the summer months; however, the issue of a meeting place requires the involvement of as many members as possible. Thus, this Newsletter will be sent out by the post office and by e-mail as well. The issue will also be a topic in the NARFE Newsletter Blog. We have sent in a news announcement to the Neighbors section of the N.J. newspaper and the Hometown News. We will also use the telephone committee to announce both restaurant meetings and the importance of voting on a meeting place which might become our permanent meeting place.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I attended an American Flag Burning Ceremony by the American Legion at Prince of Peace Catholic church the day before Flag Day. We pledged allegiance and Star Spangled Banner was sung softly while the flag was being lowered from the pole. It was tattered and torn having gone through some treacherous weather during the past 2 years. The flag was folded into the traditional triangle while Taps was being played on the bugle. There was a
reading of "I Am Old Glory" which describes life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and all the bloodshed to achieve it. The color guard unfolds the flag and in this ceremony, and 6 men carried it fully outstretched to a place near the smoldering fire. The men proceeded to cut the blue field from the flag. Then the stripes are individually cut with scissors and folded in half, but held in the guard's hands. The stripes are placed on the fire one by one. There is complete silence in the group and then the bugler somberly plays Taps again. In this instance the colors on the flag meant red for human sacrifice, blue for true blue loyalty of it's defenders, and white to symbolize liberty, our land of the free. After all the stripes have been burned, the blue field with white stars is kissed by the guard and then placed on the fire.
Additional flags were retired that day and the guards remained to burn them. The remaining flags were each placed on the fire fully folded and in tact, then burned. The grummets from the flags can be given away as good luck souvenirs. The ashes were in a bucket in a hole that the men dug before the flag burning. They remove the ashes and brought them to the Volusia burial site on Nova Road for interment.
Our new chapter member, Ann Fifer and her friend Ralph, also witnessed this ceremony that day. It's something everyone should see, it gives you so much pride in our country.
Cece Dougherty

In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress.