The following is the results of a poll taken at the last Ormond Chapter Fed Lunch on July20th. The attachment (see attachment below) was handed out to each of the six tables where the members were to discuss each of the questions and vote as a table on each question. There were a total of thirty members present which represented 26 percent of the total Chapter membership. The object of the exercise was not to get the final vote, but familiarize the membership with the issues and the voting process that would take place this fall.
The results of question one were 1YES VOTE, 23NO VOTES AND 6 DIDN’T VOTE.
The indication of the vote was that 23 members didn’t feel the Single Dues would assist them in recruiting. Six members didn’t have any strong feeling one way or the other. Note only two choices were given, yes or no.
On question two the vote was 17 YES, 4 NO, and 9 ABSTAINED.
More than fifty percent felt the Single Dues met its goal. This time thirteen members had their doubts.
Question three the vote was O YES, 27 NO and 3 abstained.
There was no question about their feelings on FUND RAISING. The Chapter strongly apposes fund raising.
The results of question four were 23 YES, 4 NO, and 3 ABSTAINED.
The Chapter members would accept a Dues increase to $9.00.
On question five the vote was 13 YES, 14 NO, and 3 ABSTAINED.
They don’t object to an increase in dues but there has to be a clear need and not a complicated formula.
On question six the vote was 10 YES, 20 NO and no one ABSTAINED.
It seems very significant that no one abstained when asked if SINGLE DUES was good for the entire organization.
An open discussion followed the voting where more feelings were freely expressed. Another issue came out of this discussion and that was the members feel very strong about control of Chapter. They felt different Chapters had different needs and operated completely differently. They felt that Florida provided them with a choice of Chapters and that was a strong factor in their participation. They felt that they as members should decide what the Chapter Dues should be and when they should change. Some member actually expressed their resentment the Nation collects the dues and then reimburses the Chapter. Some members remembered when the Chapter collected the dues.
This is a very small Chapter and has very little to say in the total organization, but if it was up to this Chapter the Single Dues Referendum would be defeated.
Please take some time to discuss and vote as a table on each of these questions.
1. Will the Referendum make it easier for you to recruit your neighbor or your postal worker? Yes_____, No_____
2. If the goal is to have single (one) dues, does the referendum accomplish the goal? Yes_____, NO _____
3. The National Executive Board suggests that Chapter whose dues might decease because of the Referendum might have Fund Raising Programs. Do you think dues should be supported by Fund Raising? Yes____, No_____
4. Do you approve of increasing our dues to $9.00? Yes_____, No_____
5. If the Referendum is rejected by the entire organization, would you approve of increasing our dues to say $9.00 over a period of nine years in three steps starting in 2010? Yes_____, NO ______
6. Is this REFERENDUM good for the entire organization? Yes_____, No _____
Distribution of NARFE Dues
(If NARFE Dues Referendum is approved)
1. NARFE Dues, $40.00 annually. Federation is remitted $4.00 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $9.00, and National retains $27.00.
2. Dues Withholding, $36.00 annually. Federation is remitted $3.60 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $8.00, and National retains $24.40.
3. Active Federal Employees. As long as they are Active Federal Employees, they may renew at the special incentives. Once they retire, they will pay NARFE dues.
4. Members-at-Large. National Only members will continue to pay the old National dues of $29.00.
5. Life Members. Chapters will be remitted $9.00.
6. New Life Members. New actuarial tables with be established, $9.00 will be remitted to the chapter and $4.00 to the Federation.
7. Honorary Members (Grandfathered). Chapters will be remitted $9.00 unless this has been waived by the chapter.
8. Distinguished Members. They will be charged $40.00 for NARFE dues with $4.00 remitted to the Federation, $9.00 to the chapter and the rest to National.