Casework Corner
*Mr. Turner, a federal employee, was recently diagnosed with Myclodysplastic Syndrome. Myclodysplastic Syndrome is a cancer of the red blood cells in bone marrow and requires a high dosage of chemotherapy prior to approval of a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, Mr. Turner's insurance carrier denied him coverage for a bone marrow transplant. As a result, Mr. Turner filed an appeal with to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). After the appeal was filed, Mr. Turner learned Medicare does not cover this type of therapy. Mr. Turner then turned to the Office of Senator Martinez for assistance.
A caseworker contacted the Office of Personnel Management to inquire about the status of Mr. Turner's appeal. The Office of Personnel Management immediately reviewed the appeal and based on the information Mr. Turner provided, he was issued a favorable reversal to his appeal. As a result, Mr. Turner was able to receive a bone marrow transplant.
If you have questions about a federal agency, please contact the Orlando Regional Office by calling (407) 254-2573 to speak with a member of the Casework Department. The toll-free number for Florida residents is (866) 630-7106. To find out more about how my office can help you, go to http://martinez.senate.gov or stop by one of our scheduled Community Office Hours in your area.
*Casework Corner is a real account of assistance provided to constituents. The names of those involved are changed to protect the privacy of the constituent.
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