We have a problem. The computers that we were to use in the Workshop on July13th. are in the training room, but they are not functional as of Saturday, July11,2009. One computer will be available that is connected to a projector. As entries are made the whole room will see the results on the screen. Some members will have the opportunity to make entries on the computer.
I believe it is possible to follow up with a hands on session once the computers are functional.
There is an alternative.
I will send you an e-mail containing the steps to sign on, add the newsletter to your Favorites, make at least one comment, and connect to a link.
You should print my e-mail out and have it by your computer as you go through the steps. If you have problems then call me at 441-9250. I will try to talk you through. You should take notes, so that you can bring these concerns to the Workshop on Monday, July13th.
We might all benefit by this alternative.
Two more items. Sorry no coffee in the computer room, and Mary's last name is Gaspary.
I'm looking forward to see you at the workshop.
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