Senator Tom Coburn, R-OK, filibustered against amendment 1522 offered by Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and Sen. Collins to make several improvements to civil service. Senator Tom Coburn filibuster for a total of one hour and 20 minutes.
Then Senator Tom Coburn made this unbelievable comment,
“By the way, if you are a Federal employee and unhappy with me trying to defeat this amendment, you should pay attention to something. There is no guarantee to your Federal pension based on the economics we face today in this country. If you think it is guaranteed, you have another thought coming because the world economic system is going to determine whether we can honor that pension. That is what is coming. We are very close.
I fail to see what I could say after that statement. However, it has created more e-mail than any other topic in the last year.
Sen Coburn is lucky he doesm't depend on us for votes.
Sen Coburn is lucky he doesm't depend on us for votes.