Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Board Meeting - December 14, 2009

NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL
Board Meeting - December 14, 2009

Attendance: B. Wehrli, C. Dougherty, J. Lowe, Lee Sherman, June Griffin, M. Araya

NARFE Magazines: Cece will handle affixing NARFE labels on magazine brought in at monthly meetings.

Review of Christmas Party: Cost of dinners commensurate with number of tickets sold. It will be our policy to not reimburse tickets sold if buyers do not show up for the dinner since the restaurant will charge us for the number of meals pre-ordered.
It was agreed that the Christmas Party locale was beautiful and the service was excellent. We will request through Alice Mauzy, our hostess, to book the Oceanside Country Club for next year’s celebration. The third Monday of December, December 20th, is requested if possible. Alice will be asked to submit meal choices and prices and to confirm the date for 2010. Our thanks to Alice for a great job.

Programs: Charlie Shannon will be our speaker for the January meeting. Audrey Beck, CPA, Director of Education for Taxes, will speak at our February meeting. Programs and attendance of the past year were reviewed, both deemed excellent by the board.

The F-7 form was reviewed. Sue O’Brien, recuperating from medical issues, will remain Chaplain. The prayer at meetings is offered by Bob or Geri Wehrli. Lee Sherman will head up a bereavement committee of at least two officers and some members to attend wakes and funerals of members or close family of members. It was agreed to hold a brief memorial service at our May meeting. The F-7 form will reflect these changes.

Revised By-Laws are available for the file and for distribution as required.

A thank you note from the Ormond Beach Athletic League was received thanking the chapter for our donation of toys. It was agreed that there was a need to organize the receipt of food donations more efficiently. A committee of volunteers will be gathered for this next year.

The NARFE District Meeting will be held in Altamonte Springs on Thursday, February 18th. The $20.00 registration fee will be paid by the Chapter. Bob will chair the communications session. Those attending the meeting include the following: Bob Wehrli, Cece Dougherty, Lee Sherman and Mary Araya. Also to be contacted for possible attendance are Linda Gardner, Trish Vevera, Ron Richardson, Victor Dean and Jim and Joan Youngblood.

Use of business cards tabled
John will take charge of storage of recruiting materials and FEHA materials

The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. Please reference the Posting of Friday, December 11,2009 which contains the agenda for this meeting.
    The Chapter still could use the services of a member with good writing skills to complete Documents.


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