Due to the current fiscal crisis, the statutory limit on the public debt must be raised this month in order for the Treasury to raise cash to pay the government’s bills. Some Senators are withholding their support for the House passed debt limit increase until the Senate leadership agrees to include a proposal to create a commission that would force changes to entitlement and other program spending and tax policy through the use of a Congressional fast-track procedure. NARFE is concerned that such a commission could single out the earned federal civil service retirement and health benefits for reductions.
I am concerned that such a commission could single out my earned federal civil service retirement and health benefits for reductions. While I am troubled about the mounting budget deficit and debt, federal civilian retirement has not contributed, and will not contribute, to the government's debt and deficit crisis. For more than two decades the Civil Service Retirement Trust Fund has been fully funded and actuarially sound. Federal retirement is not part of the problem, but I fear it could become part of the solution.
I devoted my working life to federal public service and earned the economic and health security that will allow me to live an independent and dignified life in retirement. Would a fast-track commission truly weigh the important public policies which underlie the system which were put in place to attract and retain competent employees to serve our nation's needs? I think not. That is why I feel it would be a grave error for Congress to relinquish its fiscal policymaking responsibilities to a budget cutting commission and fast-track procedure which could reduce the retirement and health benefits which were promised to me as compensation for my service to our nation.
This form of blackmail by a few ill informed Senators is a threat to your security. I will send you a personal e-mail that will allow you to contact our two Senators. Watch for the e-mail and act.
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