Date: December 8, 2009
From: Robert Wehrli
To: Nancy Lohman
Dear Nancy,
As President of the Ormond Chapter of NARFE, for Active and Retired Federal Employees, I wish to thank you for sponsoring our Christmas Party at the Oceanside Country Club on December 3. The success of that party depended on your assistance.
I also understand that you were interested in how we formed as a group. I will attempt to give you a partial answer. Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s about 17 former Federal Employees use to meet once a month for lunch. From those informal meetings and considerable work the group grew to 32 members who applied for a Charter from NARFE in 1992. The NARFE Ormond Beach Chapter 2247 became a reality that year with little or no assets. Our address was only the zip code 32175, the Post Office on Granada. The key to our existence and growth is involvement by at least one third of our members, and follow thought in every endeavor.
The attendance at the Christmas Party was 55 from a total membership of about 120. Based on attendance alone we must consider the party a success, and your contribution added to that success. Add to that excellent food, good service, involving entertainment, and good fellowship and you have a good party.
We are looking forward to our next meeting with you. Once again the Chapter thanks you for your assistance.
Sincerely yours,
The Ormond Beach Chapter of NAFRE 2247
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