We have received a Grant from the NARFE Florida Federation for $200. This money is to be used for recruiting new members and PR. June was charged with depositing the check and keeping a running account of expenses written against the Grant.
John will hold off on the contract for Senior Expo. John should also order new material and the NARFE PANNEL from NARFE. We have the flag, but we should order the NARFE banner. We might have a drawing for a restaurant gift card. Bob asked us all to come up with ideas for giveaways.
The list Charlie Shannon sent to Bob shows people in our District 3 who have not signed up for dues withholding. The people who need to be contacted are 1 members who come to the meetings, 2 people getting email but don’t come to meetings, 3 people whose yearly dues is expiring soon (Lee will call them) , 4 all others on the list. Each of the board members got a copy of the list. We decided we did not want Charlie to take care of the notifying our members, because the different groups required different approaches. Between now and Christmas we will contact the people whose yearly dues is expiring and suggest they continue their membership with the dues withholding program. The others will wait until after the increase in dues is all settled.
Senior Association and Coalition on Aging will be meeting October 6th at 10 AM at the United Way building: 3747 International Speedway Blvd. , Daytona Beach.
Ormond is having a Health Fair and we discussed the possibility of it being a good place for us to possibly get new members. It will be at the Presbyterian Church on Amsden Rd. Ormond Beach October 13th . It might be good practice for bigger events.
We thought Alice should Chair the Christmas party at Oceanside, and invite Nancy Lohman as our guest. Due to the problems in the past we need in writing from Oceanside exactly what we are getting for our luncheon. It will cost $21.00 and there will be a choice of two meals. Cece will ask Marguerite to contact the musicians to be sure we have a firm date. We will also ask to have the musicians play some musical games and have a sing-a-long.
Cece will order 6 cobblers for future events and we will see about having them embroidered or implanted with our NARFE logo.
Lee is in touch with Robin from the Post Office. We want to invite the Postmaster or Union Leader to come talk to us. We will provide luncheon.
Respectfully submitted by,
Cece Dougherty V.P.
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