NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL
Minutes of Chapter Meeting - September 21, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. at our new location, the River Grille, Ormond Beach. Don Gaby led the pledge of allegiance to the flag and President Bob Wehrli said the prayer in the absence of chaplain Sue O’Brien. Minutes and treasurer’s report were accepted as read. Bob commented on two items from the minutes which have been resolved. Two members gave donations to the treasury which will cover the cost of publishing the chapter newsletter without necessity of a campaign to raise extra funds. The second item was to announce the receipt of a grant from the Florida Federation in the amount of $200. 00 to assist the chapter with expenses for erecting and manning a NARFE booth at the Senior Expo in November. The project has been expanded to include the recruitment of Postal Federal Employees.
Programs: Marguerite Heimenz announced the speaker for next month’s meeting who will talk on college courses available for seniors.
Legislation: John Lowe told the group that no COLA will be forthcoming this year. Persons on Social Security will receive an offset check for $150.00. NARFE officials are trying to get this booster check program extended to Federal retirees.
Membership: Lee Sherman introduced new member Katherine Seaman whose husband was a Federal Aviation Analyst during his career. Sandra Gatz, just retired from her position at the U.S.District Court in Jacksonville, was also introduced to the membership. Sandra said she read about our chapter in the Hometown News and came to join us. Both were warmly welcomed by the members.
Lee reported a total of 43 members on dues withholding at present. She also distributed pamphlets on Government Benefits and Be Prepared: Life’s Events.
Bob Wehrli introduced our new Public Relations Officer, Patricia (Trish) Vevera.
Bob then reviewed the proposal made by Mary Ann Whitaker to amend the chapter by-laws so that elections for the new slate officers may be held in April of each year with installation in May. This allows the new officers to have time to formulate goals and objectives for the chapter before the first meeting of members in September. These are the changes to be made:
Change 1: Article VIII - Voting and Elections
As it is at present:
Section 3: The Nominating Committee shall present an approved slate of officers at the November meeting for election and installation at the Annual Meeting in January. Nominations may be made from the floor.
As revised:
Section 3: The Nominating Committee shall present an approved slate of officers at the April meeting for election and installation at the Annual Meeting in May. Nominations may be made from the floor.
Change 2: Article VI - Committees
Section 2: The Standing Committees: We must include Recruitment, Retention and Internal Auditing per instructions from National in regard to by-laws.
Bob Wehrli then gave everyone present occasion to introduce themselves and name the branch of federal government in which they served. Thirty-seven members present shared their stories at this time.
Our speaker was Paramedic Mark O’Keefe, Community Information Officer from EVAC Ambulance of Volusia County. Before introducing his topic, Navigating the Medicare Maze, Mark gave a rundown of the scope of the service offered by EVAC: 72,000 ambulance calls per year, 200 a day over an area larger than the state of Rhode Island. His overview included information on staffing, 911 calls, GPS technology to enhance fast arrival/ quick response to the medical emergency (8 minutes 59 seconds arrival 91-96% of the time). Mark gave estimates of pre-hospital medical care costs of between $200 and $900. While Medicare used to pay for ambulance services, for the past five years reimbursement is according to a Medicare assessment of medical necessity. There is, however, a three-level appeals process available if Medicare’s first assessment is negative. EVAC assists with the paper work to Medicare and the appeal is usually ultimately resolved. Mark answered member questions about helicopter services, Fire Department response to 911 calls, IV bags for diabetics, sections of high incidence of accidents, street light timing an impediment to plotting safest ambulance routes, and more. Finally Mark advised all of us to have a Vial of Life personal information kit in a Tupperware container in the refrigerator with name, social security number, allergies, medications, person to notify and doctor’s name. A copy of advance directives should also be on hand. Bob Wehrli thanked Mark O’Keefe for his comprehensive talk.
Bob gave an overview of our participation in the Senior Expo. He requested volunteers to help man the booth for these dates: Wednesday/Thursday November 4/5; Thursday October 8; Tuesday October 13th. Give Bob a call if you are free to help.
The issue of single dues will be discussed at the next meeting.
Cece Dougherty won the 50/50 raffle.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.
Mary Araya, Secretary
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