Ed Fleck, Federation Membership Chair has asked each chapter to add the following statement in their next chapter newsletter:
Recruitment is a contact sport. We are NARFE members because we believe in the mission of NARFE. It is that belief that should cause you to always be on the lookout for new members. NARFE is an advocacy organization that protects and hopefully enhances the EARNED retirement and health insurance benefits of feds, both active or retired, and their families. NARFE has four lobbyists and two legislative specialists to advocate for us with Congress. NARFE's clout is based on the size of our membership. That is why we need to be constantly recruiting new members, because, due to our aged membership, we unfortunately lose many members each year. Always have a membership form and dues withholding form with you for "when the moment is right." Joining costs $33 and includes our monthly NARFE Magazine with its great Q&A section. Don't let a recruiting opportunity pass you by -- give NARFE a plug (and an application). Be sure to put your membership # on any applications you hand out as our chapter receives a $2 "commission." If you recruit an active fed, you personally receive $8. Again, recruitment is a contact sport.
This statement was originally prepared by Richard Carroll D2VP who sent it to his chapter presidents.
Thanks for all you do,
Charlie Shannon D3VP
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