Fellow Chapter member I am pleased to announce that the Federation has favorable supported our Project of Out Reach by forwarding our reqest for additional funds to NARFE NATIONAL.
I will be asking many of you for your support of time and dedication to bring this project to the community in a way that we can be proud of the results. A few members only can not make this a success. We need the support of the entire Chapter.
Director, Public Relations
NARFE Headquarters
606 N. Washington St
Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
From: Wallace Roepke
Fl Federation President
5997 Bonaventure Place
Sarasota, Fl 34243-4811
Subject: Matching Funds Request for Florida's Ormond, Beach Chapter 2247
Dear Chuck: Attached you will find three pages of a request from the Florida Ormond Beach Chapter 2247 for matching funds for $891, the amount they anticipate will be spent on this project. The Fl Federation Chapter Assistance Program has already approved $200 for this project leaving a balance of $691. Participation in the Senior Expo's is an excellent way to let both active and retired Federal employees and annuitants know about NARFE. This project has been carefully reviewed and appears to be viable.
I have approved the request as presented.
Respectfully, Wallace Roepke, Fl Federation President
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