Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The Health Care Bills should still be a concern to our members regardless of their political preferences. Shortly after the passage of the Senate bill I asked for comments in regard to the bill. I received the first four comments listed below. Comments five thru eleven arrived at a dates after December 22.

Two observations are apparent concerning both set of comments. As members, we have varying views and in some cases opposing views. (This fact by itself is not bad.) The latter comments in several cases are not only comments on the Senate bill, but responses to other comments. The whole activity pleased me very much; because of the member’s versatility and involvement in both the comments and the exchanges. Members felt free to express themselves which indicates the strength of our Chapter.

All eleven comments are listed below for your review.



Thanks Bob,

I oppose any bill that adds to the national debt. This one is supposed to reduce the debt, but I remain skeptical and the devil is in the details. Not a detail and evidently un addressed is the need to reduce the proportion of our health care dollars (I've read 90%) spent on keeping old people like me alive when it is time to go. There should also be a cap on the amount spent on any individual because medical advances and technology are making some treatments horribly expensive. We are on the road to fiscal disaster unless we control health care spending.


A major achievement for Obama and the Democrats. I am still hoping that a public option will be included in the final bill to keep insurance companies under control.


I hope you are right. I still don't understand all the secrecy behind

closed doors when promised open door with CSPAN. Also, I can't

understand their math even though it won't kick in for 4 years or the

mad rush.


How about passing on all the facts and not just this pack of lies.



Bob, I didn't comment because I am not familiar enough with the bill. And, of course, it is still to be consolidated before it becomes effective. Selfishly, I hope we do not lose benefits, but I am not sure how that can be avoided unless people are willing to pay more taxes as they do in countries with good public health care systems. I really don't think it is a "pack of lies". Trying to get people who are thinking only of the next election to agree on anything or think of the common good is impossible.


I am hoping for the reinsertion of the public option into the bill. I say pass the bill and then work on improving it.


For those who want the facts, they are on the Internet and have been available for anyone who wants to read them. Don't believe the Republican rhetoric. Healthcare in this country is a disgrace and should have been corrected decades ago. Unfortunately, the Republicans are more interested in opposing the Democrats than in doing what is good for the country.


Obama's mistake was in wasting time reaching out to the Republicans for a bipartisan plan. He should have recognized a long time ago that their only goal was to make him fail. All one has to know is that the insurance companies are spending millions of dollars to fight the public option. Why would they do that? Because they think we are better off without it? Fat chance. Regarding cost, the non partisan Congressional Budget Office's report was favorable. Furthermore, we've squandered hundreds of billions of dollars fighting a useless war in Iraq, why complain now about advancing money to correct our horrendous healthcare system.


Thanks for the up-date, but I would have preferred that this new health care plan be handled by a totally different department of the federal government, and NOT the OPM department.

I still see this as a window in the future of OPM combining the programs and we would be stuck with the results.

Someone once said, don’t look at what they are doing today, look at what they are planning for the future.


I was watching MSNBC (strong democrat station) this morning and was so disgusted in the Dems & Reps. I could scream. The bottom line was we would have to get an honest billionaire (that had enough money to not be bought) to be president to clean up the corruption in Washington. How about the Nebraska representative voting with them after he was promised his state would never have to pay taxes for the Medicare but the others will? I think that 1st change might do us in.

• Premiums of FEHBP and the proposed OPM-administered multi-state plans would be calculated in separate risk pools.


So, here is my reply, after the fact, to your replies..... Why are some people so focused on the National Debt when we pay every year for all the uninsured Americans that run into the ER every night to get medical attention. Don't they realize that cost comes out of local, state and federal taxes or do they think it's a free service? This was a great accomplishment for not only the administration, but for all Americans, young and old, sick or healthy, rich or poor. Sure, it needs work, but the Civil Rights Bill took years to perfect, and JFK was criticized for passing that, as well. Shame on the person who responded that there should be a lifetime medical spending cap on individuals. Not everyone is old when they get a terrible disease. Maybe it's a young person who could be cured and grow up only to find a cure for cancer or initiate world peace.

Board Meeting - December 14, 2009

NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL
Board Meeting - December 14, 2009

Attendance: B. Wehrli, C. Dougherty, J. Lowe, Lee Sherman, June Griffin, M. Araya

NARFE Magazines: Cece will handle affixing NARFE labels on magazine brought in at monthly meetings.

Review of Christmas Party: Cost of dinners commensurate with number of tickets sold. It will be our policy to not reimburse tickets sold if buyers do not show up for the dinner since the restaurant will charge us for the number of meals pre-ordered.
It was agreed that the Christmas Party locale was beautiful and the service was excellent. We will request through Alice Mauzy, our hostess, to book the Oceanside Country Club for next year’s celebration. The third Monday of December, December 20th, is requested if possible. Alice will be asked to submit meal choices and prices and to confirm the date for 2010. Our thanks to Alice for a great job.

Programs: Charlie Shannon will be our speaker for the January meeting. Audrey Beck, CPA, Director of Education for Taxes, will speak at our February meeting. Programs and attendance of the past year were reviewed, both deemed excellent by the board.

The F-7 form was reviewed. Sue O’Brien, recuperating from medical issues, will remain Chaplain. The prayer at meetings is offered by Bob or Geri Wehrli. Lee Sherman will head up a bereavement committee of at least two officers and some members to attend wakes and funerals of members or close family of members. It was agreed to hold a brief memorial service at our May meeting. The F-7 form will reflect these changes.

Revised By-Laws are available for the file and for distribution as required.

A thank you note from the Ormond Beach Athletic League was received thanking the chapter for our donation of toys. It was agreed that there was a need to organize the receipt of food donations more efficiently. A committee of volunteers will be gathered for this next year.

The NARFE District Meeting will be held in Altamonte Springs on Thursday, February 18th. The $20.00 registration fee will be paid by the Chapter. Bob will chair the communications session. Those attending the meeting include the following: Bob Wehrli, Cece Dougherty, Lee Sherman and Mary Araya. Also to be contacted for possible attendance are Linda Gardner, Trish Vevera, Ron Richardson, Victor Dean and Jim and Joan Youngblood.

Use of business cards tabled
John will take charge of storage of recruiting materials and FEHA materials

The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This is to inform NARFE members about a victory on health care reform legislation.

This protective language was added by the Senate leadership in response to concerns raised by NARFE and federal-postal organization allies regarding a proposal that would have the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) play a significant role in national health care reform -- partially administering a health care delivery system consisting of at least two national, private nonprofit insurance plans.
The following FEHBP protections will be added to the bill through the “manager’s amendment” which includes the OPM-administered “multi-state” health plans .
• Premiums of FEHBP and the proposed OPM-administered multi-state plans would be calculated in separate risk pools.
• The OPM Director would be required to ensure that the multi-state plans are administered separately from the FEHBP.
• FEHBP insurance carriers would not be required to offer coverage through the multi-state program.
• The OPM Director may establish separate units or offices within the agency to ensure that the administration of the multi-state plans do not interfere with the effective administration of FEHBP.
• The OPM Director may not allocate fewer financial or personnel resources to the agency’s administration of FEHBP.
• The OPM Director may appoint additional personnel to carry out the administration of multi-state plans.
Senators voted 60-39 to accept the manager's amendment around 8 AM Tuesday, December 22, clearing the way for one remaining procedural vote on Wednesday, December 23 and a final vote on the legislation Thursday, December 24.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Yesterday, I sent you a message announcing the Senate passing Health Care legislation and asked for your comments. The following comments are not identified by their author's name. I felt it was not necessary to identify the members.
I can't promise that I will be able to answer the questions raised in the comments. I merely report the news on this event. It is worth getting the opinions of the members. That is also news.

COMMENTS ON HEALTH CARE as of December 22, 2010
Thanks Bob,
I oppose any bill that adds to the national debt. This one is supposed to reduce the debt, but I remain skeptical and the devil is in the details. Not a detail and evidently un addressed is the need to reduce the proportion of our health care dollars (I've read 90%) spent on keeping old people like me alive when it is time to go. There should also be a cap on the amount spent on any individual because medical advances and technology are making some treatments horribly expensive. We are on the road to fiscal disaster unless we control health care spending.

A major achievement for Obama and the Democrats. I am still hoping that a public option will be included in the final bill to keep insurance companies under control.
I hope you are right. I still don't understand all the secrecy behind
closed doors when promised open door with CSPAN. Also, I can't
understand their math even though it won't kick in for 4 years or the
mad rush.

How about passing on all the facts and not just this pack of lies.


I pass this on as noting an event in history. I also welcome all comments, and will print the comments as long as they are signed.


Dear Friend,

After months of debate this year, and decades of gridlock before, our country is closer than ever to passing the single most important piece of domestic legislation since Social Security. This is no small feat. There's a reason that presidents from Truman to Nixon to Clinton have called for, but been unable to achieve, health reform: it's incredibly difficult.

The current legislation in Congress includes many of the protections found in the bipartisan Patient’s Bill of Rights that has been repeatedly defeated by special interests. President Obama addresses that, as well as the broader substance and fierce urgency of health reform, in his latest weekly address.

There are some great elements of this bill that will take some time to set up, such as the new insurance marketplace -- the Exchange -- that allows people without insurance and small businesses to compare plans and buy insurance at competitive prices. But there are a lot of other benefits for families that will kick in during the first year if we get this passed:

In the first year, we will make it illegal for insurance companies to drop coverage for Americans.

In the first year, more of your money will start going where it belongs: towards your care instead of excessive insurance company profits or TV ads. We will start forcing insurance companies to report the proportion of premium dollars that are not spent on medical care -- including profits. If a company isn’t spending enough of its premium dollars providing benefits for families, it will have to issue rebate checks to its customers to make up the difference.

In the first year, all insurance plans will have to begin covering preventive services, helping to shift our health care from just sickness to wellness. If you purchase insurance on your own, you will receive preventive care from your doctor without paying a co-pay.

In the first year, seniors will see major relief in paying for prescription drugs. The gap in coverage with Medicare, the so-called "donut hole," will start to close for good.

This bill will reduce premiums for your family, shifting the balance of power from your insurance company back to you.

Health reform extends coverage to 30,000,000 Americans without adding a dime to the Federal deficit. In fact, it represents the largest reduction to the deficit in well over a decade.

The final bill hasn't taken shape yet. There are several more steps in the process, and the President is committed to making it the best bill possible to provide security for those who have insurance and affordable, quality coverage for those who don't.

It is important to look past the bickering and cable chatter and remember that we are on the verge of providing real benefits to Americans who can’t wait any longer.


Nancy-Ann DeParle

Director, White House Office of Health Reform

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

H1N1 vaccine

The Volusia County Health Department is offering a number of opportunities for residents to get no cost vaccinations for protection against the H1N1 flu virus.

“Our goal is to immunize all residents and visitors who choose to be vaccinated,” said Dr. Bonnie J. Sorensen, Volusia County Health Department director. “In addition to offering vaccination opportunities at the health department clinics, we have also teamed up with the Volusia Mall to offer vaccinations to shoppers and employees in December and January.”

To date, more than 100,000 doses of the H1N1 vaccine have been distributed throughout Volusia County to health and medical providers including hospitals, clinics, fire department’s, pharmacies and more.

The Volusia County Health Department offers the following vaccination options:

· Free H1N1 vaccination clinics from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 23, Dec. 30, Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, at the Volusia Mall, 1700 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach. The clinic will be near the Dillard’s Men’s Store.

· The Volusia County Health Department is offering free H1N1 vaccinations Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m.4 p.m at:

Ø 1845 Holsonback Drive in Daytona Beach

Ø 717 W. Canal Street in New Smyrna Beach

Ø 909 N. Stone Street in DeLand

Ø 3151 Howland Boulevard in Delton

The nasal spray and injectable vaccine are available at no cost

Our own Pat Berger has also informed us that the Florida Hospital in Ormond is offering free H1N1 vaccinations on the eight floor of the Hospital everyday from 7:30 to 12:00 and again from 1:00 to 4:30.

There should be no problem getting vaccinated with so many options available.

This will be the last report on H1N1.

Friday, December 11, 2009


There will be no mailed out Newsletter this month. These notes will take the place of the regular Newsletter. At the last monthly meeting we agreed not to have a meeting on the third Monday of December as usual, because of the Christmas Party on December 3.

All members are welcome at the Board Meeting on December 14. We welcome any and all suggestions you might have to improve the Chapter.
The agenda for the Board Meeting will include the following:
1. Evaluate the events of the Christmas Party and begin planning for 2010.
2. Finalize the programs for the months of January and February. Cece Dougherty tried to obtain Clair Metz, TV news journalist, as the speaker for January. Clair was willing, but had a conflict in her schedule. We will continue to try it get Clair for a future meeting. Both Cece and Marguerite have worked very hard to bring you stimulating programs. Our attendance reflects their efforts.
3. Discuss the duties and possibilities of the Office of Chaplin.
4. Make corrections to the By-Laws.
5. Correct the F-7 for 2010.

I need the services of some one who has good hand writing abilities. If you have this skill and would like to volunteer you would be doing a great service for the Chapter. Contact me at either 441-9250 or The request is urgent.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

NARFE Dues Referendum

December 9, 2009

To: Federation Presidents, Chapter Presidents & Chapter Secretaries

Subj: NARFE Dues Referendum:

Our members have spoken: 65.41 percent voted for, and 34.59 percent voted against. Having failed to receive the necessary two-thirds majority of votes cast, the referendum was defeated.
We mailed 1,508 ballots to our chapters and delegates-at-large. Out of this total of 1,508, 224 ballots were invalid (wrong number of votes, no signatures, etc.), and 256 ballots were not returned.
We will post this in the February issue of NARFE magazine.

Margaret Baptiste
National President



Date: December 8, 2009
From: Robert Wehrli
To: Nancy Lohman

Dear Nancy,

As President of the Ormond Chapter of NARFE, for Active and Retired Federal Employees, I wish to thank you for sponsoring our Christmas Party at the Oceanside Country Club on December 3. The success of that party depended on your assistance.

I also understand that you were interested in how we formed as a group. I will attempt to give you a partial answer. Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s about 17 former Federal Employees use to meet once a month for lunch. From those informal meetings and considerable work the group grew to 32 members who applied for a Charter from NARFE in 1992. The NARFE Ormond Beach Chapter 2247 became a reality that year with little or no assets. Our address was only the zip code 32175, the Post Office on Granada. The key to our existence and growth is involvement by at least one third of our members, and follow thought in every endeavor.

The attendance at the Christmas Party was 55 from a total membership of about 120. Based on attendance alone we must consider the party a success, and your contribution added to that success. Add to that excellent food, good service, involving entertainment, and good fellowship and you have a good party.

We are looking forward to our next meeting with you. Once again the Chapter thanks you for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,
The Ormond Beach Chapter of NAFRE 2247

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

H1N1 Vaccinations

H1N1 Enters the Next Phase of Vaccinations

Six of the Central Florida health departments, Seminole, Orange, Volusia, Polk, Brevard and Flagler, are now entering the next phase of vaccinations by opening up H1N1 vaccinations to everyone; it is no longer being restricted to only Centers for Disease Control designated priority groups.

Volusia County

· The Volusia County Health Department is offering free H1N1 vaccinations to the general public Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Ø 1845 Holsonback Drive in Daytona Beach

Ø 717 W. Canal Street in New Smyrna Beach


· The Flagler County Health Department will offer free H1N1 vaccinations on Saturday, Dec 12th from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Flagler Palm Coast High School.

· The Flagler County Health Department will offer free H1N1 vaccinations for seniors ( “Senior Friendly”) at the Flagler County Health Department on Saturday, December 19th from 8 a.m.-12noon, by appointment 386-437-7350 x2261

· The Flagler County Health Department offers free H1N1 vaccination clinics Monday – Friday. For more information and to make appointments please call

386-437-7350 x2261.

Monday, December 7, 2009



Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program


On May 19, 2009 Governor Crist signed House Bill 167. This bill marks a continuation of his commitment to increasing energy efficiency and stimulating the economy. House Bill 167 enables the Florida Energy and Climate Commission (FECC) to develop and manage guidelines, consistent with federal regulations, designating eligible appliances, rebate amounts and the process for issuing rebates. The rebate program will help Floridians buy appliances at discount rates, lower utility costs, and benefit Florida businesses by stimulating sales of energy-efficient appliances. Pending final approval from the United States Department of Energy, there will be six residential appliances that qualify for Florida’s 20% ENERGY STAR Appliance Rebate Program:

  1. refrigerators,
  2. freezers,
  3. washing machines,
  4. dish washers,
  5. room air conditioners, and
  6. gas tankless water heaters.

Florida’s program is anticipated to last for ten days in April 2010 and run in conjunction with Florida’s Earth Day events.

Why is the program only 10 days long?

Based on our nation’s experience with the Cash for Clunkers program, the retailers and manufacturers have requested we limit the time of the initial program to ensure those who really want to take advantage of this program have the opportunity to do so. If there is money left over, another smaller rebate program will be offered six months later.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL

Minutes of Chapter Meeting - November 16, 2009

President Bob Wehrli called the meeting to order at 11:30 on this date. 44 members including new members, guests and speaker Diane Thompson, Account Manager Central Region, Blue Cross. Bob thanked the members for their donations of food to be taken to Halifax Urban Ministries by Lee Sherman after the meeting as well as the toys also donated that will be taken to the Ormond Beach Police Station by Bob Wehrli. The proceeds from both the October and the November 50/50 raffle will also be sent to the Halifax Urban Ministries. All participated in the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the moment of prayer. Minutes and Treasurer’s report were accepted as read and filed.


Membership: Lee Sherman introduced new members Richard and Georgia LaPierre and Frances Sorensen, wife of Fredrick Sorensen, who transferred from Chapter 58.

Legislation: John Lowe shared his impressions on the success of the Senior Expo and thanked those members who volunteered to help set up and man the booth.

Sunshine: Judy Boring sent a get well card to Dewey Morris with our best wishes.


No old business was brought up at this meeting.

Our speaker this month, Diane Thompson, is the Account Manager for the Central Region Blue Cross. Diane sent us the best regards of Tony Falanga who is retired and is doing well. The object of Ms. Thompson’s talk was to update the membership on the 2010 Benefit Program with its new rates and changes. Brochures are available for comparison viewing. Open season is from November 9th to December 14th. Ms. Thompson invited members to call her at (800) 555-8228 Ext 27918 or e-mail her at for individual questions on Blue Cross/Blue Shield benefits and costs. BC/BS is moving toward a wellness component of its program; i.e. coverage for health risk assessment, physical exams, nutrition for children, vaccines by pharmacy free of charge, speech generating devices for stroke, Alzheimer’s, throat cancer patients. Also gym discounts at God’s and other gyms, Jenny Craig e-diet; free odometers for walking at work, discount through Beltone, vision supplement program and the like. Ms. Thompson fielded a number of questions from the membership. Bob Wehrli thanked Diane Thompson for her very relevant talk.


Christmas Luncheon: Alice Mauzy, our hostess, told the members all was set for the Christmas Luncheon to be held at the Ocanside Country Club on Thursday, December 3 beginning at 11:30. The meal will be served at 12:00 noon with the menu to include tilapia, sirloin and vegetarian main dish. Apple crisp and ice cream will be served for dessert. Cece Dougherty will sell tickets for drinks and Marguerite will welcome the entertainers “The Talk of the Town.” Tickets are $21.00 and can be obtained by sending a check to Cece Dougherty 932 Northbrook Drive, Ormond Beach, FL32174-3972.

John Lowe gave us news of the equivalent of the Cash for Clunkers program, now for appliances. From April 16th to 25th, appliance dealers are offer rebates of 20% off new appliances when the old appliance is turned in.

Bob Wehrli modeled the new cobble aprons acquired to advertise our chapter at Sr. Expo, postal workers outreach and conventions.

Results of the raffles are as follows: The 50/50 raffle was won by Carmen Cook, with the other $22.00 donated to the food bank. Lee Sherman won the $10.00 voucher coupon.

The meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. Moved by Victor Dean; seconded by Mary Ann Whitaker.

M. Araya

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Congressional fast-track procedure

Due to the current fiscal crisis, the statutory limit on the public debt must be raised this month in order for the Treasury to raise cash to pay the government’s bills. Some Senators are withholding their support for the House passed debt limit increase until the Senate leadership agrees to include a proposal to create a commission that would force changes to entitlement and other program spending and tax policy through the use of a Congressional fast-track procedure. NARFE is concerned that such a commission could single out the earned federal civil service retirement and health benefits for reductions.

I am concerned that such a commission could single out my earned federal civil service retirement and health benefits for reductions. While I am troubled about the mounting budget deficit and debt, federal civilian retirement has not contributed, and will not contribute, to the government's debt and deficit crisis. For more than two decades the Civil Service Retirement Trust Fund has been fully funded and actuarially sound. Federal retirement is not part of the problem, but I fear it could become part of the solution.

I devoted my working life to federal public service and earned the economic and health security that will allow me to live an independent and dignified life in retirement. Would a fast-track commission truly weigh the important public policies which underlie the system which were put in place to attract and retain competent employees to serve our nation's needs? I think not. That is why I feel it would be a grave error for Congress to relinquish its fiscal policymaking responsibilities to a budget cutting commission and fast-track procedure which could reduce the retirement and health benefits which were promised to me as compensation for my service to our nation.

This form of blackmail by a few ill informed Senators is a threat to your security. I will send you a personal e-mail that will allow you to contact our two Senators. Watch for the e-mail and act.

Friday, December 4, 2009

W.I.S.E. programs

Tis the Season ... for Song and Holiday Treats so come and enjoy as we conclude our first year of the W.I.S.E. programs!!!

The WISE (Wisdom In Senior Education) ask if you are planning to attend this exciting program Thursday December 10, 2009 that you register "on line" as the space is limited:

To register for this event please click here: WISE "End of the Year Holiday Party"

Time 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm @ The Hosseini Center on Daytona State College Campus 1200 W Int. Speedway Blvd. Daytona Beach, Fl 32114

or check us out on the Web page for future programs:

Sunday, November 29, 2009


From: NARFE National Headquarters

Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 12:34 PM

Subject: Appropriate use of NARFE Email

Over the past several weeks there have been exchanges of e-mails among NARFE members expressing views about the current Administration and public officials. Some of these have been very critical and have offended some of our members. Please remember that NARFE as an organization is political, but nonpartisan. When sending an e-mail to NARFE members on matters of a political nature, always consider the impact it will have on their sensibilities. Moreover, be sure to include a disclaimer to the effect that the views expressed in the e-mail are those of the sender and not those of the NARFE organization.

Margaret Baptiste
National President


Since the above message was distributed to All NARFE GEMS members, additional comment didn’t seem necessary. However, it seems some of our own Chapter members have offended other members with their jokes and words. Since this fact is now brought out into the open, I trust we will all get into the holiday spirit and be more sensitive of everyone’s believes and values.

This Chapter has been always known for its frankness and direct talk; however, we function as a team. We are all in the same boat and discussion is not physical sport. It should be an art form.

Bob Wehrli

Sunday, November 22, 2009



At our November 20, 2009 meeting we heard the Blue Cross/Blue Shield representative discuss changes in their plan for the coming year. One of the changes is their shameless annual increase in premiums. Federal retirees get no COLA next year but BC/BS raised their premium another 9%. This is nothing new. Somehow GEHA manages to have minimal or no increases (That’s right, there were two years that I know of that GEHA did not increase their premiums) while BC/BS raises their premiums 8 to 10 % every year. And why shouldn’t they? We have members who are willing to pay some $2000/year more to BC/BS than they would pay GEHA for exactly the same coverage! In fact, this year it will cost subscribers who are loyal to BC/BS $2624.16/ year more for family and $1138.32/year more for individuals. And what do they get for the higher premiums? NOTHING. With GEHA you keep the same doctors, and same hospitals. The only thing that changes is your premium.

In past years it was difficult to select a carrier. We had to compare deductibles and copays for each plan and examine the list of preferred providers and participating physicians. Life became much simpler after Medicare – one of the advantages of aging. Once we are on Medicare, deductibles, copays, participating physicians and preferred providers are no longer an issue. Medicare pays their portion and our FEHB plan pays the rest – all of it. No deductibles, no copay, nothing. We can go to any physician in the country without looking at a list. The same is true for hospitals. In fact, before making a trip to Italy a few years ago I checked with GEHA on insurance. Since Medicare pays nothing when you are out of the U.S., GEHA picks up the entire medical cost – just like BC/BS.

So why did I pay $2256 more for BC/BS this year after preaching the advantage of post Medicare GEHA? You can be sure it had nothing to do with loyalty. The deciding factor was the cost of prescriptions. GEHA pays 50% and BC/BS pays $65 or $10 for a 90-day supply of brand name or generic drugs, respectively. With a prescription bill of more than $21,000 (one Rx alone costs $2000 for a 90 day supply) simple arithmetic pointed the way to BC/BS. But if you do not have huge prescription costs, GEHA is the obvious choice for you.

There is a change this year. GEHA still pays 50% toward prescriptions but with a maximum of 500.00 so I have to do the arithmetic again. Maybe I can switch back to GEHA. We had them for four years and only switched to BC/BC because our prescription costs took a gigantic leap.

It’s simple arithmetic, folks. Save yourself money and force BC/BS to work harder at controlling costs. As long as you are willing to pay an extra $218.68/ month (Medicare couples) or an extra $94.86/month for individuals on Medicare, BC/BS will never have reason to keep their rates competitive.

One final note: Our speaker from BC/BS mentioned the Blue Cross name as a criterion in selecting a plan. Nonsense! No one cares who pays after Medicare. The provider only bills Medicare and Medicare automatically passes the information on to the secondary insurer. They don’t even have to know who your secondary insurer is.

Nicholas Calvano November 20, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Three programs seem to bring the troops out. They are Taxes, Insurance, and a good party. At the Monday November 16th, we had some of each going for us. John Lowe provided the bit on Taxes, Diane Thompson did a great job of representing BC/BS and Alice Mauzy provided the information on the Christmas Party. But I truly think the members enjoyed bringing the food for the Ormond Ministries and the toys for the Police department. Several members had stories involving their purchases. They were living their past in a good way.

If that isn't good enough, Cece tells me we have 43 members signed up for the Christmas Party and Lee tells me we have 4 (yes, FOUR) new members , one transfer member and six new Dues Withholding , all as a result of our Monday meeting plus good old fashion hard work. The new members are Richard La Pierre, Georgia La Pierre, Frances Sorensen, and Loraine Savage. The Transfer member is Fredrick Sorensen. To top it off we had 47 people at the meeting.

The Officers wish to thank everyone. As a team we did a great job.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


There are several good reasons why you need to attend the NARFE chapter meeting on November 16th. Reservations for the Christmas party close November 27th. If you plan to attend, the next meeting provides an excellent time to make your reservations and buy your tickets. The Christmas Party at the Oceanside Country Club is December 3, 2009 at 11:30 a.m.

If you would like to donate food and a toy, then we will be collecting these items at the next meeting on November 16th.

If you have questions about your insurance, then we have Diane Thompson, our representative with BC/BS as a speaker at the next meeting. We had asked to have representatives from the other insurance companies, but they have failed to make appointments. We will continue to try to get these companies at future meetings, but those meeting will be beyond the OPEN SEASON which ends December14, 2009.

Board Meeting - November 9, 2009

NARFE Chapter 2247
Ormond Beach, FL
Executive Board Meeting - November 9, 2009

Attending were Bob Wehrli, Cece Dougherty, Lee Sherman, Marie Donahue, John Lowe, June Griffin, Arturo Araya, and Mary Araya. Issues discussed:

Booster Account: A $50.00 donation was received bringing the account total to $85.00.

Holiday Donations from members: Food received at the November meeting will be taken to Halifax Urban Ministries. Lee will invite members to assist in loading the bags of food into her car. Persons from Halifax Urban will receive the food donated. Monies from last month’s 50/50 raffle ($31.00) will be added to this month’s raffle result and donated as gift certicates. The unwrapped toy donations will be picked up and Bob will take them to the Police Station. All donations are voluntary.

Senior Exposition Recap: Overall estimation, our participation was deemed well worth the time and effort. We were able to recruit for our chapter, New Smyrna and Deland. Bob will meet with John Lowe on reimbursement costs: mileage, garage parking, etc.
Regret was expressed that the chapter was not able to participate in the October 13 Health Fair in Ormond. Mr. Knies who, with his wife, runs the Health Fair, is a retired federal worker. It was suggested that, to gain support for our recruiting effort, one of our $10.00 luncheon coupons be offered to the Knies as an incentive to attend a chapter meeting. Also noted: the News Journal contributed the $125.00 which allowed our chapter to man a booth at the Volusia Mall.

Christmas Party: Alice Mauzy, hostess, reports for the minutes that everything is set up for a successful party. The deadline to give in the numbers of attendees is Monday, November 30. Cece has the responsibility for the libations, Marguerite for the entertainment. Our sound system will be brought in by John Lowe with the assistance of Ron Richardson and Victor Dean. The phone committee will remind members with no e-mail about the Christmas luncheon.

Six Cobbler Aprons with NARFE logo were shown; acquired for use at conventions and for Senior Expo.

NARFE Magazines: Members will be reminded to bring copies to meetings, get a NARFE label affixed and help the recruitment effort by dropping them off at doctors’ offices.

Petition Form to Florida Senators: Printing postcard forms to support the Health Bill was discussed. Proposal tabled for future discussion.

Adjournment at 11:30.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


We truly take a lot for granted.

Forget the football 'heroes' and movie 'stars'. This is the price of freedom..

May God bless our soldiers, of all wars. Remember Nov 11th is Veteran's Day. Remember to say,

"Thank you for serving our country".

Monday, November 9, 2009

Senior Association Coalition

Meeting Date: December 1, 2009
The next meeting of the Senior Association Coalition has been scheduled for Tuesday,
December 1, 2009, at 10 a.m. at the Council on Aging office, 160 N. Beach Street, Daytona
Beach; parking and entrance on Palmetto side of the building.
Meeting Topic
Counting Down to Census Day, April 1, 2010
Joie Alexander
Volusia County Council, Vice Chair and At-Large
Chair, Volusia County’s Complete Count Committee

Sunday, November 8, 2009


The health care legislation passed the House late Saturday night (November 7th.) on a 220 to 215 vote with Democratic support and one Republican voting for the Bill.
To those NARFE members who sent e-mails and called or wrote their support for the Bill: congratulations. To those people who supported the House Bill, you have won a place in history and in time the hearts of future generations.
Now, we have to urge the Senate to pass their version of health care, and hope it can be reconciled quickly with the House bill.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

H.R. 3631 (again, we need action)

H.R. 3631 protects all Medicare Part B beneficiaries from a premium increase in 2010, including federal retirees who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits.

Urge our Senators to quickly pass H.R. 3631 to allow the Medicare agency to prepare for 2010.

The NARFE Legislative Action Center features an Action Alert which allows you to send NARFE’s message to both your Senators. (The direct path to this Urgent Action Alert is

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We as servants of the people called for prompt Senate passage of NARFE supported legislation, H.R. 3631, to protect all Medicare Part B beneficiaries from a premium increase in 2010, including federal retirees who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits. NARFE members should help “close the deal” by urging their Senators to quickly pass H.R. 3631 to allow the Medicare agency to prepare for 2010.

An Action Alert which allows you to send NARFE’s message to both your Senators is:

I have sent my message. Please send your message. Numbers count.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Preventing Swine Flue with Snopes

Roger Patterson took the trouble to check the news article on Preventing Swine Flue with Snopes. I’m satisfied that the advice given is useful and not harmful in any way.

However, here is the source, if you would like to read all the details.

I thank Roger both for his efforts and his reply. It proves the system is working.

I also thank all the other people that responded with comments and advice.

Bob Wehrli


Submitted by Lorraine Savage.

The following advice was given to me, which I feel makes a lot of sense and is important for all to know.

The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it's almost impossible to avoid coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is the problem.

While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1 infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps, not fully highlighted in most official communications, can be practiced (instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or Tamiflu):

1. Frequent hand-washing (As well highlighted in all official communications).

2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of the face (unless you have to eat, bathe or scratch). Always wash hands first.

3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don't trust salt). C2 (Salt water: 1/4 cup luke warm water to 1/8 teaspoon salt (not iodized)).

H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/ nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don't underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.

4. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at Neti pots, but blowing the nose well once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.

5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C. If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.

6. Drink as much of warm liquids (tea, coffee, etc) as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.

Friday, October 30, 2009


A Community Health Forum on Friday, November 6,2009 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the News-Journal Center, 221 N. Beach St. , Daytona Beach. The Forum is free and no reservations are necessary.

* More than 40,000 residents of Volusia County have diabetes.

* 95,000 to 100,000 resident have pre-diabetes, a condition that places them at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

* 25 percent of the people with diabetes are unaware they have the condition.

* 1 out of 4 adults 60 years of age or older has diabetes.

Dr. Annabelle Rodriguez, Director of the diabetes Management Center at John Hopkins will answer many of your questions about diabetes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Weekly H1N1 Swine Flu Update

Weekly H1N1 Swine Flu Update

For Immediate Release

October 29, 2009

2:00 PM Eastern

Contact: DOH Press Office


As of 10/27/09 Florida cumulatively reported:

· 965 hospitalizations in persons with lab confirmed H1N1.

· 139 deaths reported with lab confirmed H1N1.

· Overall mortality with influenza or pneumonia is slightly above the expected

value for the time of year.

Widespread influenza activity is being reported in seven Florida counties. The

number of counties reporting widespread activity has been declining over the past

several weeks. There is no evidence that the virus has changed to a more virulent

form, either in Florida, the rest of the U.S., or elsewhere in the world.

For up-to-date information about H1N1 Swine Flu visit or call 877 352 3581

Open Attachment Ctrl plus click: DOH Swine Flu October 29.pdf