Saturday, August 8, 2009


Information supplied by BOB HARRELL

  1. The possibility of establishing a Retention Chair Position is to be investigated by the Secretary and Treasurer to add a retention function to the F-7 and updating publications reflecting the retention duties.
  2. A discussion was held concerning the availability of insurance benefits information to be given to attendees at Health Fairs. A study will be performed to determine the possibility of including this information on the Web Site to allow chapters access for reproduction.
  3. The discussion on the Dues Withholding Application was placed on hold until the November 2009 NEB meeting.
  4. Blogs and Face Book: The NEB does not support Blogs. With the amount of erroneous information being circulated on the internet, the only reasonable Blog Site would require a gatekeeper to ensure the appropriateness of the comments appearing on the net. Face Book is a personal social networking internet procedure and the NEB is not opposed to members using it as a means to promote greater awareness of NARFE.
  5. GEM Messages: The inability of determining the sender of same. GEM messages sent by Headquarters always indicate that it is sent by Headquarters. Regional Vice Presidents and Federation Presidents are responsible for ensuring that their GEM messages are consistent with the requirements and identification of the sender.
  6. Timeliness: The timeliness of making record changes submitted by a chapter or federation was a great concern from the presidents. One reason for the delays is that the reports are being sent to the wrong office. NARFE will review the procedures for making changes to member records to ensure timely processing. Information will be disseminated to the chapters and federations in the near future covering address for submitting changes/updates.
  7. Bob Wehrli said...

    I have to take exception to #4 where NEB does not support Blogs. I fear that the members of the NEB may not understand Blogs or how the Blog Posting and Comment system works.
    The NEB in #5 admits that the GEM system has an “inability of determining the sender”. They seem to be transferring the problems of GEM onto a different and more advanced system of interaction. A Blog identifies all participants and has a built in Gate Keeper as well. Therefore; the Blog over comes the objection of the GEM message.
    Not stated, but implied is WEB sites are favored. WEB sites are stagnant compared to the Blog that is up to date and changing with time. You see what is new, but you can also look back if necessary.
    Both systems have their place in a fully integrated communication system


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  2. I have to take exception to #4 where NEB does not support Blogs. I fear that the members of the NEB may not understand Blogs or how the Blog Posting and Comment system works.
    The NEB in #5 admits that the GEM system has an “inability of determining the sender”. They seem to be transferring the problems of GEM onto a different and more advanced system of interaction. A Blog identifies all participants and has a built in Gate Keeper as well. Therefore; the Blog over comes the objection of the GEM message.
    Not stated, but implied is WEB sites are favored. WEB sites are stagnant compared to the Blog that is up to date and changing with time. You see what is new, but you can also look back if necessary.
    Both systems have their place in a fully integrated communication system.


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